Friday, 25 April 2014

Dear Parents/Carers,

Miss Hannah Phillips

I am very happy to write to let you all know that Miss Phillips will be having a baby later this year. Her baby is due in the Autumn, so maternity leave will not affect her current class. We will be appointing a teacher soon to cover her maternity leave.

End of Term Cake Sale

A big thank you to everybody who donated cakes and helped with the cake sale on the last day of term. It was a great success and raised ?? towards the school fund. This fund is used to provide enhanced curriculum opportunities for the children. Can I also thank the staff who organised refreshments and cake for families and friends.

We now plan to hold a cake sale alongside a tea afternoon on the last day of every term. The next one will be on Friday 23rd May.

Staff Training Days (school closed)

Our 2 remaining staff training days for this academic year are in 'dates for diaries'. Two staff training days have now been planned for September and early October and are in dates for diaries' too.

Allergies & Intolerances Free School Meals from September 2014

The Government are introducing a scheme from September 2014 where all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 in state-funded schools in England will be eligible for free school meals.

If your child has a food allergy and/or an intolerance, you will need to complete an Allergies & Intolerances Referral Form which can only be accepted once the relevant section has been signed and stamped/completed by a registered medical professional such as a GP or Dietician OR a letter from a medical professional.

Please note that if your child has a food Allergy and/or Intolerance they will be unable to receive a free school meal until both yourself and the School Kitchen have received the appropriate special diet menu for your childs allergy and/or intolerance and supporting information from Eden Foodservice.

The Allergies & Intolerances Referral Forms are available from the School Office.

The deadline for Eden Foodservice Nutrition Department to receive completed forms is 11 July 2014 at the latest.

Parking in the Local Area

Can I please ask all parents and carers to be considerate towards residents who live in the local area when they drive and park their vehicles. It can obviously be very frustrating to local residents when then are unable to access driveways or if the road is blocked by cars dropping off children. Can I also remind everybody that dropping children off in the middle of the road is also very dangerous.

Rags toRiches

A reminder to bring your donations into school on Monday 28th April.

School Library

Recently some books have gone missing from the library.  Could  parents and carers please check to see if their child has taken any books without the librarians knowledge?  If a child would like to borrow a book, please see a librarian who will note their choice and let them know when the book needs to be returned. Any returned books would be very much appreciated.

After School Clubs

Textiles Club will now not start until Monday 9th June. Gymnastics and Football Clubs will be working towards inter-school competitions after this term. All established clubs will be ongoing and be at no cost. Please contact the school office to see if any places are available.

Finish Time
Year Groups
Start date/day of club
End date
Monday 9th June
Friday 2nd May
Energy Club
Kodu Club
5 and 6


Well done to the following classes with their attendance last week:

Reception with 99%

Y5 with 98%

Our fantastic Reception class will have a non-uniform day on Friday 2nd May.

Dates for Diaries

Monday 28th April                           -           Year 2 start swimming lessons
Monday 28th April at 5pm             -           Governors Learning Committee Meeting
Tuesday 29th April                            -           Football Club match against Begbrook Primary
Monday 5th May                             -           Bank Holiday (school closed)
Tuesday 6th May                              -           After School football match with Begbrook
Thursday 22nd May at 5pm            -           Full Governing Body meeting
Monday 12th May 2014                  -           Year 6 SATs week
Monday 19th May                            -           Staff training day (school closed)
Thursday 22nd May at 5pm             -           Full Governing Body meeting
Friday 23rd May                                 -           Year 4 Assembly
Friday 23rd May                                 -           Refreshments (2.45pm onwards) and cake sale
Friday 23rd May                                 -           End of Term 5
Monday 2nd June                             -           Staff training day (school closed)
Thursday 5th June                             -           Year 2 Outdoor Experience Day to Savernake Forest
Thursday 12th June                           -           Year 5 Outdoor Experience Day to the Malverns
Thursday 26th June                           -           Year 4 Outdoor Experience Day to Kenfig Reserve
Saturday 28th June                           -           Summer Fair
Sunday 29th June                             -           First Holy Communion
Friday 26th September                   -           Staff training day (school closed)
Friday 3rd October                           -           Staff training day (school closed)


Yours sincerely,


Matt Condon


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