Summer Fair
We would like to ask for volunteers
who would like to be involved in organising this year’s fair. If you are able to help out, in any way, however
small, please let the school office or Mr Condon know.
Allergies & Intolerances – Free School Meals from September 2014
The Government are introducing a
scheme from September 2014 where all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
in state-funded schools in England will be eligible for free school meals.
If your child has a food allergy
and/or an intolerance, you will need to complete an Allergies &
Intolerances Referral Form which can only be accepted once the relevant section
has been signed and stamped/completed by a registered medical professional such
as a GP or Dietician OR a letter from a medical professional.
Please note that if your child has a
food Allergy and/or Intolerance they will be unable to receive a free school
meal until both yourself and the School Kitchen have received the
appropriate special diet menu for your child’s
allergy and/or intolerance and supporting information from Eden Foodservice.
The Allergies & Intolerances Referral
Forms are available from the School Office.
The deadline for Eden Foodservice
Nutrition Department to receive completed forms is 11 July 2014 at the
Well done to the following classes
with their attendance last week:
Reception and Year 5 with 99%
Reception and Year 5 will have a
non-uniform day on Friday 9th May.
Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration next
Tuesday 6th May, where the following children will receive their
headteacher's award: Syzmon (Y1), Rian (Y1), Matthews (Y6), Muskan (Y6), Thomas
(Y3), Amal (Y5), Jeswin (Y4) and Godwin (Y2)
The following children successfully
completed their Sports Releif 'run a mile' and will recieve a certificate: Angus (Y4), Olivia (Y4), Jordan (Y6), Helene
(Y3), Olly (Y3) and Melita (Y2)
Dates for Diaries
Monday 5th May - Bank Holiday (school closed)
Tuesday 6th May - After school football match with
Begbrook Monday 12th May 2014 - Year 6 SATs week
Monday 19th May - Staff training day (school closed)
Thursday 22nd May at 5pm - Full Governing Body meeting
Friday 23rd May - Year 4 Assembly
Friday 23rd May - Refreshments (2.45pm onwards) and cake sale
Friday 23rd May - End of Term 5
Monday 2nd June - Staff training day (school closed)
Thursday 5th June - Year 2 Outdoor Experience Day to Savernake Forest
Thursday 12th June - Year 5 Outdoor Experience Day to the Malverns
Thursday 26th June - Year 4 Outdoor Experience Day to Kenfig Reserve
Saturday 28th June - Summer Fair
Sunday 29th June - First Holy Communion
Friday 26th September - Staff training day (school closed)
Friday 3rd October - Staff training day (school closed)
Matt Condon
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