Friday, 9 May 2014

Dear Parents/Carers,

Parish May Procession

On Sunday, 11th May everyone is welcome to join a special procession in honour of our blessed Mother Mary and the whole month of May, which is dedicated to her. It takes place on the 11th of May after the 10am mass. Children will be singing during and after the procession in the Church. There will be a shared lunch in the Church hall and all children, friends and family are very welcome.

Summer Fair

We would like to ask for volunteers who would like to be involved in organising this years fair. If you are able to help out, in any way, however small, please let the school office or Mr Condon know.


Well done to the following class with their attendance last week: Year 2 with 98%

Celebration Assembly

There will not be a celebration assembly next Monday 12th May because of SATSs week.

Dates for Diaries

Monday 12th May 2014                  -           Year 6 SATs week
Monday 19th May                            -           Staff training day (school closed)
Thursday 22nd May at 5pm             -           Full Governing Body meeting
Friday 23rd May                                 -           Year 4 Assembly
Friday 23rd May                                 -           Refreshments (2.45pm onwards) and cake sale
Friday 23rd May                                 -           End of Term 5
Monday 2nd June                             -           Staff training day (school closed)
Thursday 5th June                             -           Year 2 Outdoor Experience Day to Savernake Forest
Thursday 12th June                           -           Year 5 Outdoor Experience Day to the Malverns
Thursday 26th June                           -           Year 4 Outdoor Experience Day to Kenfig Reserve
Saturday 28th June                           -           Summer Fair
Sunday 29th June                             -           First Holy Communion
Friday 26th September                   -           Staff training day (school closed)
Friday 3rd October                           -           Staff training day (school closed)

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon



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