Friday, 20 March 2015

Dear Parent/Carer,

Red Nose Day

A fantastic day was held by all last Friday for Red Nose Day.  An amazing £450.00 was raised!!!!

Reception’s Easter Egg Raffle

Thank you to everyone who has bought tickets!  We will be drawing the winner during celebration assembly on Monday 23rd March.

World Downs Syndrome Day Saturday 21st March. 
Tomorrow, Mr Turvey (father of Maddie in Year 3) is running the London Marathon in aid of The Downs Syndrome Association.  If you would like to donate to this good cause, please go online to or hand in donations to the office. 

Downs Syndrome International invites everyone across the world to wear lots of socks to raise awareness of Downs Syndrome.  We will be recognising World Downs Syndrome Day this coming Monday, 23rd March, with a non-uniform day with an emphasis on brightly coloured socks, long socks, printed socks, odd socks or even more than one pair of socks.  Donations of £1 should be brought into class.

 Gymnastics Competition
On Tuesday 17th March, some year 5, 4 and 3 pupils went to City Academy Secondary School to represent our school in a gymnastics competition.
The year 3 and 4 students came 6th place when they were judged by their performance on the mats.
The year 5 students came 4th place on their score on the mats and altogether all of the students that participated had a fun and enjoyable afternoon.  I would just like to say well done and good luck in the finals.

Lena Smith (Year 5 student).

Stations of the Cross and Holy Week Mass 
Please join us in Stations of the Cross (led by Year 6) on Thursday 26th March at 9.30am in the school hall.  You are also invited to join us in celebrating mass for Holy Week on Friday, 27th March at 9.30am.  The mass will be take place in church.

Messages to school
Any message relating to your child, e.g. if they are ill; have a medical appointment, are unable to do PE, swimming, etc., must be made by you, the responsible adult, either in person, telephone, email or letter.  A message sent via a child cannot be accepted.

New 20 mph speed limit
This new 20mph speed limit will become operative in this area on 27 March 2015. The project aims to improve road safety in the city as well as have a beneficial impact on communities and make cycling, scooting and walking to school a more attractive option.

End of School Day
An increasing number of children are regularly being collected late from school. The school day ends at 3.30pm. We obviously don’t mind if children are occasionally collected late but the growing number of children who are still in school at 3.40pm is a concern. 

Lost Property
Our lost property box, which is situated in the porch at the front entrance, is beginning to overflow. It is full of jumpers, coats, fleeces etc.  If you are missing any of these items, Mr Buck will be setting up a table with lost items in the school playground on Monday and Tuesday from 3.15pm onwards. 

Booking the Extended School Club
We are only able to accept children who have been booked in advance. Please get a booking form from the school office.

School Communication
Look out for a new internet communication and payment system after Easter.  Please make sure that the school office has your current email address.

Well done to the following classes with their attendance last week:-
·         Y4 with 100%
·         Y6, Y3 and Y2 with 99%
·         Y1 with 98%

Celebration Assembly  There will be a Celebration Assembly on Monday 23rd  March at 9.15am.  The following children will receive their headteacher’s award:  
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 24th March              -           Year 6 Rock Band performance at 2.45pm
Thursday 26th March            -           Stations of the Cross led by Year 6 at 9.15am
Friday 27th March                -           Mass for Holy Week in church (Y3 readers)
Friday 27th March                -           Local cluster choir festival at St Joseph’s
Friday 27th March              -           End of Term 4
Sunday 29th March              -           Palm Sunday
Sunday 5th April                  -           Easter Sunday
Monday 13th April             -           Start of Term 5 
Thursday 23rd April             -           Y1 St George’s Day Assembly
Monday 27th April             -           Year 4 Topic Presentation
Monday 11th May             -           Start of Key Stage 2 SATS Week
Thursday 18th June           -           Year 6 Leavers Mass in Clifton Cathedral (PM)
Sunday 28th June               -           First Holy Communion in Church
Friday 17th July                   -           End of school year

Yours sincerely,

Cathy Joseph
Acting Head teacher (joint)

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