Dear Parent/Carer,
To celebrate our Patron Saint’s day, there will be a Mass in the
school hall at 9.30am. Teas and coffees
will be available after mass, with any money raised going to St James’ Priory.
St John’s special afternoon
won the most team points last term, the children in St John’s team have a
non-uniform day this coming Friday, 20th March, along with an
afternoon of fun organised by St John’s team members in Year Six.
Easter Egg Raffle From Monday 16th March, the Reception class will be
selling raffle tickets to win an Easter goodies hamper. Tickets will be
£1.00 for a strip and available before school in the playground or after school
from the Reception classroom. All money raised will be going to our class
charity “Cots for Tots”. For more
information, please see Miss Finding or Mrs Andrews.
Downs Syndrome International invites everyone across the world to
wear lots of socks to raise awareness of Downs Syndrome. We will be recognising World Downs Syndrome Day on the following Monday, 23rd March, with a non-uniform day with an
emphasis on brightly coloured socks, long socks, printed socks, odd socks or
even more than one pair of socks. Donations
of £1 should be brought into class.
message from the diocese
Living Your Faith Summer Camps, run by the Clifton Diocese, will be held during
August and are intended to encourage children and young people to engage in
their faith through fun, games and Spiritual input. They take place in the
beautiful surroundings of the Marist Convent in Nympsfield. Week one: 3rd -7th
August (age7-11 years). Week two: 10th-14th August (age12-15). For more details
contact Stephen Spurrell on 07860
849460 or or look on the website"
New 20 mph
speed limit
new 20mph speed limit will become operative in this area on 27 March 2015. The
project aims to improve road safety in the city as well as have a beneficial
impact on communities and make cycling, scooting and walking to school a more
attractive option.
Lost Property
Our lost property box, which is situated in the
porch at the front entrance, is beginning to overflow. It is full of jumpers,
coats, fleeces etc. If you are missing
any of these items, Mr Buck will be setting up a table with lost items in the
school playground on Monday and Tuesday 16th and 17th March from 3.15pm
Booking the Extended School
are only able to accept children who have been booked in advance. Please get a
booking form from the school office.
Assembly There will be a Celebration Assembly
on Monday 16th March at 9.15am.
The following children will receive their headteacher’s award: Alex (Y1), Leonie(Y3), Rebecca (Y5), Olivia
(Y6), Shaan (Y6) and Ollie (Y4).
Super Stars Award:- Josh (Y6), Reuben (Y6), Lachontay (Y5), Libby
(Y5), Alana (Y4), Wiktoria (Y4), Marlen (Y4), Tashrick (Y3), Chloe (Y3), Liam
(Y3), Jesselyn (Y2), Aian (Y2), Shayne (Y1), Rishon (Y1), Edith (R) and Mikolaj
Dates for Diaries
16th March - Year 3 topic presentation
17th March - Gymnastics competition – Y3-6Wednesday 18th March - Year 6 topic presentation
Thursday 19th March - St Joseph’s Day Mass (tea/coffee/tours for parishioners afterwards)
Tuesday 24th March - Year
6 Rock Band performance at 2.45p
Thursday 26th March - Stations
of the Cross led by Year 6 at 9.15am
Friday 27th March - Mass
for Holy Week in church (Y3 readers)Friday 27th March - Local cluster choir festival at St Joseph’s
Friday 27th March - End of Term 4
Sunday 29th March - Palm Sunday
Sunday 5th April - Easter Sunday
Monday 13th
April - Start of Term 5
22nd April - Year 4 Topic PresentationMonday 11th May - Beginning of SATs week
Thursday 18th June - Year 6 leavers’ mass (pm)
Sunday 28th June - First Holy Communion in Church
Wednesday 1st July - meeting for Year 5 parents
Friday 17th July - End of school year
Yours sincerely,
Cathy Joseph
Acting Head teacher (joint)
Acting Head teacher (joint)
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