Friday, 6 March 2015

Dear Parent/Carer,


This Sunday, as you know, the parish is celebrating 90 YEARS AS A FAMILY IN FAITH. As part of the Celebration, Bishop Declan is joining us at the 10.00 am Mass.

There will be a reception in the school hall afterwards.  To make this a success we are requesting that everyone attending brings some food to share.  Please bring to the school hall between 9.15 and 9.45 am.  Drinks will be provided.

If your Surname begins with the letters A-L please bring a savoury item.

If your Surname begins with the letters M-Z please bring a sweet item.

We do need parishioners to come and help set out the school hall for this important event on Saturday 7th March at 2.00pm.  (Please enter the school via Chatsworth Road)

Comic Relief

Red Nose Day is next Friday, 13th March. 

The red noses have all been sold! On that day, children have been asked to bring in £1 if they wear something red and/or paint a funny face. If the weather permits, children with funny faces or dressed for the occasion will parade around the playground as the bell goes before they go off to class.  Inter-class fun sports activities are being organised on that day, organised by Mrs Gilvear. 

Children’s Liturgy

We need volunteers to assist with the Children’s Liturgy during the 10.00am Holy Mass. Please inform Fr Paul if you are interested in helping with the Children’s Liturgy.

Tag Rugby
On Tuesday 3rd March, ten pupils from Y5 went to Whitehall Rugby Football to compete in a Tag Rugby competition.  Surprisingly we came in second place out of four different schools!  Although we were not able to go to the semi-finals, we had fun playing and that’s what really matters.

Harrison, Salvatore, Alfie, Jeswin, Angus, Mackenzie, Vanessa, Piper, Alisha and Ellie.

St Joseph’s Day Thursday 19th March
To celebrate our Patron Saint’s day, there will be mass said at 9.30am.  Teas and coffees will be available after mass in the school hall.

Booking the Extended School Club
We are only able to accept children who have been booked in advance. Please get a booking form from the school office.

Parking in Chatsworth Road
Another reminder that the car park opposite the school is private and not for our use.  Parents bringing their children into school need to find safe places to park elsewhere along the road.

Well done to Year 4 with 99% attendance and Year 6 with an outstanding 100% attendance last week.  Year Six will have a non-uniform day on Tuesday 24th March.

Celebration Assembly  There will be a Celebration Assembly on Monday 9th March at 9.15am.  The following children will receive their headteacher’s award:  Kai (Y6), Mackenzie (Y5), Lisandra (3), Marco (3), Jacks (Y1), Philip (Y2), Ibrahim (R) and Mikolaj (R).
Super Stars Award:-  Lachontay (Y5),  Fletcher (Y1) and Naomi (Y2).

Dates for Diaries

Sunday 8th March                            -           Mass for Parish’s 90th anniversary
Tuesday 10th March                         -           Inter-schools Swimming Gala at Horfield Leisure Centre
Wednesday 11th March                 -           Year 6 visit to Leigh Woods
Thursday 12th March                       -           Year 2 Mother’s day assembly (CHANGED DATE)
Friday 13th March                            -           Comic Relief Red Nose Day
Monday 16th March                        -           Year 3 topic presentation
Tuesday 17th March                         -           Gymnastics competition – Y3-6
Wednesday 18th March                  -           Year 6 topic presentation
Thursday 19th March                        -           St Joseph’s Day Mass (tea/coffee/tours for
                                                                        parishioners afterwards)
Friday 20th March                             -           Tennis competition – age TBC
Tuesday 24th March                         -          Year 6 Rock Band performance at 2.45pm
Thursday 26th March                       -           Stations of the Cross led by Year 6 at 9.15am
Friday 27th March                            -           Mass for Holy Week in church (Y3 readers)
Friday 27th March                             -           Local cluster choir festival at St Joseph’s
Friday 27th March                            -           End of Term 4
Sunday 29th March                          -           Palm Sunday
Sunday 5th April                                -           Easter Sunday
Monday 13th April                           -           Start of Term 5 
Wednesday 22nd April                    -           Year 4 Topic Presentation
Sunday 28th June                            -           First Holy Communion in Church
Friday 17th July                                 -           End of school year

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon

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