Dear Parents/Carers
Big Pedal
This week we have so far totalled 114 bike and
scooter rides to school.
We will have a special family cycle day on Saturday 22nd March. This will start in Fishponds at around 11am and finish at Mangotsfield Station where there will be food and fun activities. This is a family activity where parents will supervise their own children. Any additional adult support, in helping to organise food and activities, would be very much appreciated. There will be more details in next week’s newsletter.
We would like to restart our fundraising PTFA cake
sales. Previously these have been an easy and popular way of bringing parents
together, raising some funds for the school and buying some delicious cakes.
All the school needs is parents who are willing to
come in for half an hour once a term to help run the sale. If you can help,
please see Mr Condon or contact the school office.
Term 3 Team Points Winners
St Mark’s Team
were our winners last term. They will have a non-uniform day on Wednesday 12th
March 2014.
Medical Appointments
Please can I ask parents to avoid booking any medical or dental appointments in school time. If these appointments are unavoidable then please inform the school in writing, in advance.
Children should not wear jewellery to school. This is increasingly becoming a problem when getting ready for PE lessons as teachers have been spending a lot of PE time removing jewellery from children so they do not injure themselves or others.
Please note: Children with pierced ears whose parents wish them to wear earrings must, for safety reasons, wear studs with a very small stone (allowing flexibility to change the colour of the stone) rather than other types of earrings. Children who wear earrings must remove (or tape) them for all PE and sporting activities on health and safety grounds.
PE Kit
Please ensure your child has the correct PE
kit – White T-shirt, navy blue or black shorts, plimsolls/daps and a suitable
bag with a string loop for hanging.
Paying Dinner Monies
May I remind you that dinner money
must be paid on a Monday in a named envelope with the correct amount and given
to your child’s class teacher. This also applies to music tuition, after school
clubs and trips etc.
Celebration of Achievements
There will be a
celebration assembly on Monday 10th March at 9.10am where the following
children will receive their Headteachers Award: Liam (Y2), Catalina (Y6), Vanessa (Y3), Marlen
(Y3), Ruby (Y1), Harrison (Y4) and Oliwia (R)
Super Start
Sports Award: Kai (Y5), Rian (Y1), Aaron
(Y2) and Meikel (Y4),
Super Star Art
Award: Naomi (Y1), Rian (Y1) and Cerys (Y2),
Energy Club
Award: Jesselyn (Y1), Harrison (Y2),
Godwin (Y2), Vanessa (Y3), Olivia (Y4) and Helene (Y3).
done to the following classes with their attendance:
and Y5 with 99%
with 98%
and Y5 will have a special non-uniform day on Friday 14th March.
Dates for Diaries
March 3th – 14th 2014 - The Big Pedal 2014 (cycling event)
Wednesday 12th March - Year 3 class assemblyWednesday 12th March - St Mark’s Team non uniform day
Friday 14th March - Y2 and Y5 attendance non-uniform day
Wednesday 19th March - St Joseph’s Day mass in school
Thursday 20th March - E-safety day at St Bernadette (Year 5)
Saturday 22nd March - St Joseph’s family cycle day (details coming soon)
Wednesday 26th March - Year 2 topic presentation
Wednesday 26th March - Year 3 topic presentation
Wednesday 2nd April - Year 5 Topic Presentation
Thursday 3rd April – E-safety day at St Bernadette (Year 6)
Thursday 3rd April at 2.45pm - Parent Tea/Coffee afternoon
Friday 4th April - Holy Week Mass in Church
Friday 4th April - End of Term 4
Tuesday 22nd April - Start of Term 5
Monday 12th May 2014 - Year 6 SATs week
Friday 23rd May - End of Term 5
Saturday 28th June - Summer Fair
Sunday 29th June - First Holy Communion
Yours sincerely,
Matt Condon
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