A reminder that the school is closed tomorrow (26th September) for a staff training day. The school is also closed the following Friday (3rd October) for a staff training day.
Parish Harvest
Festival Collection
Parishioners are
invited to donate fruit/vegetables and bring them to the Altar during the
Offertory Procession on Sunday 28th September at the 10.00am Holy Mass. The offerings will be auctioned in the Church
Hall during the coffee morning after Mass to raise money for CAFOD. If any parishioners would like to contribute
but are unable to attend the 10.00am Mass , please leave your produce at the
back of the church or the presbytery.
School Harvest Festival Collection for Foodbank
We will be supporting Foodbank again this year. More details coming soon.
69th Scout Group
(St Joseph’s)
The Cubs and
Scouts sections have places available. Cubs is for children aged 8-10.5 years.
Scouts is for
children aged 10.5-14 years.
We meet on
Tuesdays in the Parish Hall. Cubs
6.00pm-7.30pm. Scouts 7.30pm-9.00pm.
If your children
would like to join please contact Wendy or Marek Petela on 0117 9606378.
Attendance – Requesting Leave of Absence
This was a big
problem for us last year with too many parents requesting leave out of term
This has improved
already this year and I would like to thank parents for supporting us by not
choosing to take your children out of school. It makes a big difference to
their learning.
Well done to Years 1 and 3 for their great 100% attendance last week. Also well done to Years 6 and 4 with 99% attendance and Year 5 with 98%.
Years 1,3,4 and 6 have a special
non-uniform day on Thursday 2nd October.
Prospective Parents Tours
will be tours for prospective parents for September 2015. The dates are:
• Wednesday 1st October at 2pm
• Wednesday 8th October at 10am
• Thursday 16th October at 2pm
Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly
on Monday 29th September, where the
following children will receive their Headteacher's Award: Syesha (Y2), Blake (Y1), Barti (Y5), Helene (Y4)
Aaron (Y3) and Javier (Y3).
Super Stars: Nathan (Y4), Beatrice (Y5) and Tei (Y1)
Jerome (Y6), Daria (Y1) and Wanessa (Y1).
Dates for Diaries
Friday 26th September - Staff training day (school closed)
Wednesday 1st October - Prospective parents visit at 2pmThursday 2nd October - Full Governing Body meeting
Thursday 2nd October - Individual Photographs
Friday 3rd October - Staff training day (school closed)
Wednesday 8th October - Prospective parents visit at 10am
Wednesday 8th October - Y4 Cabot Circus and Museum
Thursday 16th October - Prospective parents visit at 2pm
Thursday 16th October - Y2 Westonbirt visit
Thursday 16th October - Choir Colston Hall
Wednesday 22nd October - Parents Evening
Thursday 23rd October - Parents Evening
Thursday 6th November - Y1 Playspace visit
Thursday 13th November - Y2 Playspace visit
Monday 2nd February - Staff training day (school closed)
Friday 17th July - End of school year
Monday 20th July - Staff training day (school closed)