Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Dear Parents/Carers,

Good Attendance Presentation

Children with 100% attendance have been given 2 tickets; one to take home so that parents know they have a non-uniform day and one to be kept in school for the draw during the celebration assembly on Monday 8th June at 9.15am.

Spanish Party at St Joseph’s School - Saturday June 20th at 12.00pm.


Come and enjoy an authentic 
Spanish Lunch with Flamenco Dancers -
all for a good cause. 

For more information, please ask at the school office.

New 'Schoolgateway' – online credit and debit card payments
All parents and carers have received a letter this week with information about our new online payment system ‘Schoolgateway’. You can now make online payments for school dinners using the ‘Schoolgateway’ smartphone app or website.  We hope this will be a faster and easier way for you to pay for school items. If you are having trouble logging on, this is because we don’t have your current email address or mobile phone number on record. So if you have any problems using this system please contact the school office who will be happy to help you get set up on ‘Schoolgateway’.


Just a reminder that the school will be closed to pupils on Friday 19th June for staff training.

Governor Vacancies

Vacancies have arisen for a Foundation Governor.  For further information please contact Fr Paul or our school secretary with your name and contact number and a governor will get back to you.

Class Organisation 2015

We would like to welcome Miss Phillips back from maternity leave. As you can see below, Miss Phillips will be returning to Reception Class and we are very glad that Miss Finding will be staying with us and her class (covering Mrs. Darvill’s materity leave).  

Here is the class structure for next year:

Reception                             -           Miss Phillips
Year 1                                     -           Miss Finding
Year 2                                     -           Mrs Ford
Year 3                                     –          Miss Garnier
Year 4                                     –          Miss Perry
Year 5                                     -           Mr Conlon
Year 6                                     -           Mrs Bell and Mrs Joseph
Music specialist                    -           Mrs Marsh

‘In the Beginning’ - Education in Personal Relationships

Next week your child will be having lessons on ‘Education in Personal Relationships’, which includes sex education. We follow ‘In the Beginning’, a programme recommended by Bishop Declan and the diocese.

‘In the Beginning’ is a wholly Catholic Life Education programme covering Years 1-6 and includes sex education as a key element of the scheme. The programme consists of a carefully structured series of pupil workbooks, which will be completed in school and then brought home.
The children will grow to recognise love (in its many forms), as central to Christian philosophy and as the basis of all meaningful human relationships.

A parents’ information letter about the unit they will be covering will be sent home with your child this week.

If any parent has any concerns or would just like to find out more about the programme, Mrs Bell will be happy to speak to you and share the whole programme with you.

Sun Protection and Summer Footwear
The weather is currently wonderful which means the children have been able to use the school field more often. We advise that all children have a sun hat in school at all times. If you wish your child to put on sun cream in school, we also advise they have this in school every day, again clearly labelled with their name. They will need to put their own lotion on, so it might be better applying before school.

Sandals can be worn by children when the weather is hot and dry. Children should not wear sandals at other times as the playground is often wet.


For security reasons, when children arrive late, we are unable to allow parents to escort their children to their classrooms.


Well done to Y4 with 100% attendance and Y3 with 99% for the last week of term. Year 4 will have a special non-uniform day on Friday 12th June.

Gardening Club

There will be no gardening club next Monday 8th June.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 16th June at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their headteacher's award: 

Dates for the Calendar

Wednesday 10th June                    -           Y6 Moving On Day at Bristol Cathedral
Thursday 11th June                          -           Y2 Outdoor experience Savernake Forest                    
Thursday 18th June                          -           Year 6 Leavers’ Mass in Clifton Cathedral (PM)
Friday 19th June                               -           SCHOOL CLOSED – In-service training
Wednesday 24th June                    -           Y5 – St Brendan’s Sports Day
Thursday 25th June                          -           Y3 Outdoor experience Mendips
Sunday 28th June                           -           First Holy Communion in Church
Tuesday 30th June                           -           Y6 retreat – St Brendan’s Sixth Form College
Wednesday 1st July at 3.30pm       -           Meeting for Year 5 parents (going into Year 6)
                                                            -           New Parents’ Evening 6pm
Thursday 2nd July                             -           Y4 Outdoor experience Kenfig
                                                            -           Education mass at Clifton Cathedral 7pm
Friday 3rd July                                    -           Celebration for Feast of St Thomas
                                                            -           Choir concert (eve) – rehearsal in afternoon
Wednesday 8th July                         -           Sports  Day
Thursday 9th July                              -           Y5 Outdoor experience Malverns
Friday 10th July                                  -           Y6 Elite sports event with local cluster
Tuesday 14th July                              -           Y6 performance to parents 7pm
Friday 17th July                                 -           End of school year

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon

Head Teacher

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