Friday, 26 June 2015

Dear Parents/Carers,

First Holy Communion

Can the governors, staff and pupils of St Joseph’s wish all the children receiving their First Holy Communion on Sunday a happy and holy day.

Sports Day

Weather permitting, sports day will take place on the field between 9.30am and 12pm and parents/guardians, friends and governors are all very welcome to come and support the children. 

Topic Presentations

These are short presentations where the children tell the story of their learning in their most recent topic. In the summer we also invite parents into class, following the presentation, for 20 minutes, to look at their child’s work. Dates are in the calendar.

Music Tuition

Letters were sent out to parents this week for the current Years 2-5 to book a place for their child to learn an instrument from September. There are spaces available to learn the guitar, violin, Brass, Drum and Keyboard.  Please ensure that a completed slip and the first instalment of £93.50 are returned to the school office by Monday 29th June.

Children Being Collected Late

Can I also remind parents and carers that the school day ends at 3.30pm. We appreciate that occasionally children are collected late due to unforeseen circumstances.  However, there are some children who are collected late on a regular basis.

Thank you for your support.

Using the Internet at home and E-Safety Week

This week an issue was reported where a 7 year child was asked to share very inappropriate information with a stranger on the Internet. The child was playing a game at home with her sister and fortunately she reported the incident to her teacher during our 'In the Beginning' Sex and Relationships Education Week. It is positive that the child shared this with her teacher but parents were very concerned that the incident was not shared with them. The incident has been reported to the police and we have spoken again to children in all classes.

In particular it is still a concern that children do not recognise that people can lie about their identify on the Internet and that such people can pose a threat.

In September we will be introducing a new improved E-Safety policy for children and will be planning some information sessions for parents. 

New ‘Schoolgateway’ – online credit and debit card payments

Thank you to all the parents who have already signed up for the ‘Schoolgateway’.  Parents and carers can now pay for school dinners and Extended School Club using this payment method. We will be using it to pay for school trips and music tuition lessons as well very soon.  If you are having problems signing up or you just want some help then please contact the school office and they will be happy to help you.  Problems signing up are generally because we don’t have your correct email and mobile phone information. We would encourage you to try out the ‘Schoolgateway’, either using the app or from the ‘Schoolgateway’ website, as it will make paying for school items quicker and easier for you and the school!

Governor Vacancies

Vacancies have arisen for a Foundation Governor.  For further information please contact Fr Paul or our school secretary with your name and contact number and a governor will get back to you.


Well done to Year 2 with 100% attendance last week, and Year 1 with 99%.  Y2 will have a special non-uniform day next Friday 3rd July

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 29th June at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their Headteacher's award:  Che’tavia (Y1), Eloisa (R), Shaun (R), Adedire (Y4), Marlen (Y4), Hector (Y2), Soraya (Y5), Vanessa (Y5) and Hannah (Y5).

Dates for the Calendar

Sunday 28th June                             -           First Holy Communion in Church
Tuesday 30th June                            -           Y5 – St Brendan’s Sports Day
Wednesday 1st July at 3.30pm        -           Meeting for Year 5 parents (going into Year 6)
                                                            -           New Parents’ Evening 6pm
Thursday 2nd July                             -           Y4 Outdoor experience Kenfig
                                                            -           Education mass at Clifton Cathedral 7pm
Friday 3rd July                                    -           Assembly celebration for Feast of St Thomas – 9.10am 
                                                            -           Choir concert (eve) – rehearsal in afternoon
Tuesday 7th July                                 -           Y4 Topic Presentation
Wednesday 8th July  am                  -           Sports  Day (morning)
Wednesday 8th July                          -           Y6 Leavers Lunch
Thursday 9th July                               -           Y2 Topic Presentation
Thursday 9th July                               -           Y5 Outdoor experience Malverns
Friday 10th July                                   -           Y6 Elite sports event with local cluster
Friday 10th July                                   -           Y1 and Y3 Topic Presentation
Monday 13th July                              -           Y5 Topic Presentation
Tuesday 14th July                               -           Y6 performance to parents 7pm
Friday 17th July                                 -           End of school year

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon

Head Teacher

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