Friday, 16 December 2011
Dear Parents/Carers,
Good news!
The Government published results for all schools in the country yesterday. We are very pleased with how our children are doing in all parts of the school. It was especially pleasing to see that for progress we are rated as being in the top 21% in the country for Maths and English and in the top 15% for progress in English (Reading and Writing)!
Can I say a massive thank you for the hard work from parents, school governors, all staff and of course to the children for doing so brilliantly.
Deanfield Study Centre
The next instalment of £20.00 for Deanfield is now due and the remainder (£30.00) is due in the middle of January.
Dinner Money, Music Tuition, After School Clubs
May I remind you that dinner money must be paid in on a Monday in a named envelope and given to your child’s class teacher. This also applies to music tuition, after school clubs and trips etc.
Christmas Mass Times
Here are the times for masses over Christmas period:
Saturday 24th December – Family Mass 6.00pm
Saturday 24th December – 9.30pm Carols
Sunday 25th December – 9.30am
Children’s Christmas Mass - 6.00 pm on Christmas Eve
This will include the usual dramatized Gospel and children reading. If your children would like to take part then there will be a practice on Tuesday 20th Dec at 10 am in the Church. Please contact Cathy Williamson if you would like to take part and for further information. There will also be an offering of gifts for the homeless at this Mass where the children are invited to bring up small gifts such as tins of food, gloves, socks etc at the Offertory procession to be distributed later to the homeless.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
It is hoped to start up a Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 10 am Mass on a Sunday Morning. This is where the children are taken out of the church for a short time to share the liturgy of the word at a level they are better able to understand. In order to do this, we need a few more volunteers to help support it on a rota basis. If you think you might be able to help then please see Michelle Nurse after Mass on a Sunday morning or contact Cathy Williamson on 9401782. Full training will be given!
Well done to Mrs Bell and Mr Conlon’s class with 97%, and Mrs Ford and Mrs Joseph with 96% attendance.
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 3rd January - INSET (School closed)
Wednesday 4th January - Start of Term 4
Friday 6th January at 9.30am - Feast of Epiphany Mass in Church
Monday 20th February - INSET (School closed)
Can I take this opportunity to thank all of you for your help and support this year.
We wish you all a peaceful and happy Christmas and we will see you all on Wednesday 4th January.
Matt Condon
Friday, 9 December 2011
New Office Organisation
Some of you may have noticed that we have changed the organisation of our offices this week. All of the Admin Team now work in the offices on the right hand side of the main entrance door. Please go to the right hand hatch now for all enquires. The Headteacher’s office is now on the left hand side. I apologise for any confusion this change might cause. We will not be changing again!
Pupil Premium - Free School Meals
The Government is giving money to schools to help children from lower income families do their very best. This funding is called a ‘Pupil Premium’.
For every child registered at St Joseph’s, the school gets £488 this year.
With this money we could organise more individual tuition, increase Teaching Assistant support and improve learning opportunities in lots of other ways. If you are registered for Free School Meals you could also get support for school trips and have help with after school clubs.
Please register before Christmas to make sure your child and others in their class don’t miss out.
The next 2 INSET days (where the school is closed to children) will be on Tuesday 3rd January and Monday 20th February. We will let you know the date of our final INSET day as soon as we can.
Deanfield Study Centre
The next instalment of £20.00 for Deanfield is now due, and the remainder which is £30.00 is due in the middle of January.
School Crossing Patrol
Mrs Pauline Sheere, our school crossing patrol officer, is still unwell. A pelican crossing is available at the junction with Lodge Causeway.
Nativity Play
Foundation and KS1 will be performing their Nativity Play on Monday 12th December, at 2.30pm and Tuesday 13th December, at 9.30am.
Community Carols Around the Tree
You are all invited to our ‘Community Carols Around the Tree’ on Tuesday 13th December, 3.40-4.40pm. This event will be followed by mince pies and it was a great Christmas celebration last year.
We will also be selling our Singing Together CD after Tuesday’s performance and after the carol service on Thursday. The price of the CD is £6.00 and there are only 35 left - so hurry so as not to be disappointed!
Well done to Mrs Bell’s class with 100% again!!!, Mrs Joseph’s with 98%, and Mr Sherwin’s and Mr Conlon’s class with 97% attendance. A big thank you to all for helping us improve overall attendance this year.
Celebration Assembly
There will be a Celebration Assembly next Monday 12th December, where the following children will receive their Headteachers award: Joseph Nurse, Stan Smith, Stan Doling, Amy Harris, Alfie Harris, Helene Jim, Ty Mitchell and Jakub Wawrowski
These children will receive Superstars Sports Awards:
Rahim Rehan, Liam Rice, Anique Sergeant and Lara Brown.
Dates for Diaries
Monday 12th December - Foundation and KS1 Nativity Play 2.30pm
Tuesday 13th December - Foundation and KS1 Nativity Play 9.30am
Tuesday 13th December - Infant Party in school
Tuesday 13th December - Carols around the tree after school
Thursday 15th December - Carol Service at 2pm in Church
Friday 16th December - End of Term Mass in School Hall at 9.30am
Friday 16th December - End of term 2
Tuesday 3rd January - INSET (School closed)
Wednesday 4th December - Start of Term 4
Monday 20th February - INSET (School closed)
Best wishes
Matt Condon
Thursday, 1 December 2011
School Security
Unfortunately we still have parents trying to access the school from entrances other that the main school entrance. Can I please remind you that PARENTS MUST ONLY ENTER THE SCHOOL THROUGH THE MAIN ENTRANCE! Children or staff must not open any outside doors for anyone. Children must also exit the school via allocated doors – not the main school entrance.
These rules are in place so we can avoid unauthorised adults entering the school who may put children at risk. Please help the school and all our children by respecting these rules.
Pupil Premium - Free School Meals
The Government is giving money to schools to help children from lower income families do their very best. This funding is called a ‘Pupil Premium’.
For every child registered at St Joseph’s, the school gets £488 this year.
With this money we could organise more individual tuition, increase Teaching Assistant support and improve learning opportunities in lots of other ways. If you are registered for Free School Meals you could also get support for school trips and have help with after school clubs.
Please register before Christmas to make sure your child and others in their class don’t miss out.
Please see the attached letter for more details.
School Crossing Patrol
Mrs Pauline Sheere, our school crossing patrol officer, is still unwell. A pelican crossing is available at the junction with Lodge Causeway.
Nativity Play
Foundation and KS1 will be performing their Nativity Play on Monday 12th December, at 1.45pm and Tuesday 13th December, at 9.30am.
Community Carols Around the Tree
You are all invited to our ‘Community Carols Around the Tree’ on Tuesday 13th December 3.40-4.40pm. This event will followed by mince pies and was a great Christmas celebration last year.
Choir Performing at Cabot Circus
The choir will be singing in Cabot Circus on Wednesday 7th December for Ronald Macdonald House. This is an independent charity which provides Home from Home accommodation for critically ill children.
Well done to Mr Sherwin and Mrs Joseph’s class with 98%, Mr Conlon’s class with 97% and Mrs Bell’s with 96% attendance.
Celebration Assembly
There will no Celebration Assembly next week. There will be a Celebration Assembly the following week.
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 6th December - Y5/6 trip to St Fagan’s
Wednesday 7th December - Choir to Cabot Circus
Thursday 8th December - Christmas Lunch
Thursday 8th December - Y2F visit to Fishponds Library
Friday 9th December - PTFA Christmas Party
Monday 12th December - Foundation and KS1 Nativity Play 1.45pm
Tuesday 13th December - Foundation and KS1 Nativity Play 9.30am
Tuesday 13th December - Infant Party
Tuesday 13th December - Carols around the tree
Thursday 15th December - Carol Service at 2pm in Church
Friday 16th December - End of Term Mass in School Hall
Friday 16th December - End of term 2
Tuesday 3rd January - INSET (School closed)
Wednesday 4th December - Start of Term 4
Best wishes
Matt Condon
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Friday, 25 November 2011
PTFA Christmas party
There are about 35 tickets left for the Christmas party on the 9th December, 3.30-5pm. If you would like to go, please get your form in ASAP. There are spare forms in the school porch if you need one. Thanks to those parents who have offered to help, we'll be in touch next week.
If your child is not going, but would like to wear non-uniform, can your child bring a donation of 50p for the PTFA. This will be our last whole school non uniform day for a good while!
Beginning of Advent
We will be celebrating the beginning of Advent with Father Joy in Mass on Friday 2nd December. The Mass will begin at 9.30am in Church.
New Appointment
We are happy to announce that Debrah Davis was appointed as School Business Manager this week. Debrah has worked in education for many years including five years as the School Business Manager at Bromley Heath Junior School. Mrs Lorraine Chicken will support Debrah in her new role until Christmas. We welcome Debrah to the St. Joseph’s family.
Nativity Play
Foundation and KS1 will be performing their Nativity Play on Monday 12th December, at 2.30pm and Tuesday 13th December, at 9.30am.
SATS 2012
SATS Week next year for Year 6 is week beginning the 14th of May.
Community Carols Around the Tree
On Tuesday 13th December 3.40-4.40pm is our ‘Community Carols Around the Tree’ followed by mince pies. This was a great Christmas celebration last year and everybody is welcome.
Choir Performing at Cabot Circus
The choir will be singing in Cabot Circus on Wednesday 7th December for Ronald Macdonald House. This is an independent charity which provides Home from Home accommodation for critically ill children.
Rock Band Performance
Mrs Bell’s class will be giving a Rock Band performance on Friday 2nd December, at 3.00pm. All parents are welcome.
Well done to Mrs Rollings and Mrs Patton’s class with 98%, Mrs Ford’s with 97% and Mrs Mantle’s with 96% attendance.
Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 28th November at 9.15am where the following children will receive their Headteachers Award: Alana Cowell, Laura Smith, Eve Boniface, Maici Quirke, Wiktoria Surel, Stella Harvey.
These children will receive Superstars Sports Awards: Salvatore La Porta, Jennifer Eubebeagu, Maciej Oledzki and Emily Webb.
Dates for Diaries
Wednesday 30th November - Expected closure due to industrial action
Friday 2nd December - Advent Mass in Church – 9.30am
Friday 2nd December - Rock Band Y6B performance
Tuesday 6th December - Y5/6 trip to St Fagan’s
Wednesday 7th December - Choir to Cabot Circus
Thursday 8th December - Christmas Lunch
Friday 9th December - PTFA Christmas Party
Monday 12th December - Foundation and KS1 Nativity Play 2.30pm
Tuesday 13th December - Foundation and KS1 Nativity Play 9.30am
Tuesday 13th December - Infant Party
Tuesday 13th December - Carols around the tree
Thursday 15th December - Carol Service
Friday 16th December - End of term 2
Tuesday 3rd January 2012 - INSET (School closed)
Wednesday 4th January 2012 - Start of Term 4
Best wishes
Matt Condon
Thursday, 24 November 2011
You may be aware that a number of public sector trades unions have balloted for industrial action in connection with the government’s proposals to introduce fundamental changes to the relevant pension schemes. Members of the unions involved are being called upon to take strike action on Wednesday 30 November 2011.
This is proposed as a national day of action and the dispute is not with the school or local authority. The majority of teaching staff and a significant number of support staff in schools are members of unions proposing strike action.
In consultation with the Chair of Governors, I have made the decision that due to the number of staff taking industrial action on 30th November; regrettably it will not be possible to open the school to the children on that day.
If the planned action is called off, this situation will obviously change. We will keep you updated with any developments in the situation and inform you immediately, if it is possible to open the school on that day.
Best wishes
Matt Condon
Friday, 18 November 2011
Dear Parent/Carers,
St Joseph’s CD
‘Sing Together’ - At last our school singing CD has been completed! The winners of the cover design were announced; the CDs have been manufactured and finally put together. I am sure that you can’t wait to hear it! They will make perfect Christmas presents for the family.
CDs cost £6.00 (which works out at 60p per track, comparable to iTunes). There are only 100 cds so do buy quickly to avoid disappointment.
They will be on sale in the playground before school starts from Tuesday 22nd November to Friday 25th November from members of the choir, or you can enclose a cheque made payable to St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School.
Lost Property
A reminder that this is now situated in a large blue box in the main school entrance.
Mrs Wendy Petela
Mrs. Petela (also known to many as Akela), is formally being received into the Catholic Church at St Joseph's Church on Sunday 20th November during the 10.00am Mass. Mrs. Petela is also being confirmed. Everybody is welcome to attend the Mass which will be followed by refreshments in the parish hall.
Teacher Assessment Time
We are really pleased that Miss Wright has returned to school recently teaching different classes. This is because each teacher has been spending a day working with small groups of children assessing their skills, knowledge and understanding. This has been a really valuable use of time and will help teachers plan for children even more effectively.
Community Carols Around the Tree
On Tuesday 13th December from 3.40-4.40pm, there will be Community Carols Around the Tree followed by mince pies. This was a great Christmas celebration last year and everybody is welcome.
Choir Performing at Cabot Circus
The choir will be singing in Cabot Circus on Thursday 9th December for Ronald Macdonald House. This is an independent charity which provides Home from Home accommodation for critically ill children.
Well done to Mrs Bell’s class for 100% attendance last week! They will get a special non-uniform day. Mr Sherwin’s class also had great attendance with 99%. Mrs Rollings, Mrs Mantle, Mrs Patton and Mr Conlon’s classes did really well with 97% attendance.
Attendance so far this year has improved significantly on the same period last year. A big thank you all for your support – every day in school counts!
Medical Appointments
Please can we ask parents to avoid booking any medical or dental appointments in school time. If these appointments are unavoidable then please inform the school in writing in advance.
Morrisons Vouchers
If you or family and friends have any Morrisons Lets Grow Vouchers that you are able to donate to the school, please could you send them in by Friday 25th November at the latest.
St Joseph’s Parish Christmas Fair
The Parish Fair is taking place on Saturday 26th November and begins at 2.00pm. Please support the Parish by coming along and having some Christmas fun. If you have not returned your raffle tickets could you please do so before the end of next week. The school will be running a sweet stall as part of the Fair. To support this we are planning a non uniform day for Friday 26th November with children donating a packet or box of sweets.
PE Kit: Footwear
Increasingly we have lots of children coming into school without the correct footwear for PE. All children should have PE daps or trainers specifically for PE. We will be writing to parents individually if children do not have the correct kit in school.
Christmas Lunch
Our school Christmas lunch will be on Thursday 8th December. The kitchen will need to know how many to cater for and whether any children want the vegetarians option. Could you please let the office know by Monday 21st November if you would like to order a Christmas lunch for your child.
Christmas Party
On Friday 9th December, the PTFA will be holding a Children's Christmas Party from 3.30-5pm. There will be a disco, games and refreshments. Numbers are strictly limited, so keep your eye out for the leaflet that will be going out in book bags next week.
Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 14th November at 9.15am where the following children will receive their Headteachers Award: Alexander Ailyath, Bartosz Spocinski, Wiktoria Pawlaszczyk, Joel Vadhyanath, Muskan Rehan, Nuala Wallace, Charlotte Kelly and Emmanuel Benny.
These children will receive Superstars Sports Awards: Nadia Naibet, Emily Cunningham, Jeleil Manmohan, Rochelle Christian, Catalina Bodnarescu and Mya Sarkozi.
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 6th December - Y5/6 trip to St Fagan’s
Wednesday 7th December - Choir to Cabot Circus
Thursday 8th December - Christmas Lunch
Friday 9th December - Christmas Party
Monday 12th December - YR Nativity Play – 2.30pm
Tuesday 13th December - YR Nativity Play – 9.30am
Tuesday 13th December - Infant Party
Tuesday 13th December - Carols around the tree
Thursday 15th December - Carol Service
Friday 16th December - End of term 2
Best wishes
Matt Condon
Friday, 11 November 2011
Dear Parent/Carer,
Children In Need
Mrs Patton’s class assembly will be on Friday 18th November. The theme will be ‘spots’ and it will also be a non-uniform day. Wear spots on Friday and bring in a £1 donation.
Well done to Mrs Rollings’ and Mrs Ford’s classes with 99% attendance last week. Also congratulation to Mr Conlon’s class with 98% and Mrs Joseph’s class with 97% attendance.
Team Points
St Matthew’s Team won last term’s Team Points competition. This means St Matthew will have a non-uniform day on Wednesday 16th November.
St Joseph’s Parish Christmas Fair
The Parish Fair is taking place on Saturday 26th November and begins at 2.00pm. Please support the Parish by coming along and having some Christmas fun.
Christmas Party
On Friday, 9th December, the PTFA will be holding a children's Christmas party from 3.30-5pm. There will be a disco, games and refreshments. Numbers are strictly limited, so keep your eye out for the leaflet that will be going out in book bags next week.
Past Pupil Success
Well done to Jamie Prideaux, a past pupil, who has just become the youngest Dragon Tang Soo Do Master in the world (aged 22). after being invited to grade by the Grand Master of the Korean Martial Art, which was a great honour. He is now a fifth Dan Master and runs his own club with his fiancé Kristie at Kingswood Foundation on Monday Evenings.
St Bernadette’s Catholic Secondary School
If your child is transferring to St Bernadette’s school next year or in the future, there will be a meeting on Thursday 17th November at 9.00am to discuss transport problems with other parents.
Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 14th November at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their Headteachers Award –
Joseph Nurse, Sydney-Kay Haberfield, Rebecca Davies, Jade Johnson, Emily Nurse, Kameron Bains-Doyle and Kamal Smallwood.
These children will receive our new Superstars Sports Awards:
Helene Jim, Milly Wiercioch-Giles, Talia Scott and Vanessa Wabissa
Dates for Diaries
Friday 18th November - Y5P assembly for Children in Need
Tuesday 6th December - Choir to Cabot Circus
Tuesday 6th December - Y5/6 St Fagan’s
Thursday 8th December - Christmas Lunch
Monday 12th December - YR Nativity Play – 2.30pm
Tuesday 13th December - YR Nativity Play – 9.30am
Tuesday 13th December - Infant Party
Tuesday 13th December - Carols around the tree
Wednesday 14th December - Carol Service
Friday 16th December - End of term 2
Best wishes
Matt Condon
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
‘Be Bright High Visibility Day’
To mark the clocks going back and the evenings getting darker, pupils are encouraged to dress up in their brightest clothing for a special BIKE IT dress up day tomorrow. There will be prizes for the best dressed pupils and best blinged bikes! Pupils need to be in the playground by 8.50am to parade. Walkers and cyclists can dress up in bright clothing.
Bikes should decorated or blinged to make them look at wacky and bright as possible. You can use cardboard, paper, tinsel, glitter, material, fake fur, lights, or yoghurt pots.
Your bike must be decorated at home
Make sure there is nothing interfering with your chain, wheels or other moving parts
Your bike must still be safe to ride
Also don’t forget the Bike Gear Sale which takes place at 3.00pm onwards in the playground.
Friday will also be a non-uniform day for the whole school to raise money for the ‘Jessie May Trust’ which is a charity which helps sick children. This has been organised by Ollie, Olly, Joel and Micah who are all in Y5. Bring in a donation of £1 to wear your own clothes.
Next Friday will also be a non-uniform day with a ‘spots’ theme in support of Children in Need. Wear spots on that day and bring in a £1 donation.
Many thanks for supporting these important causes,
Yours sincerely,
Matt Condon,
Friday, 4 November 2011
Non-Uniform Day
On Friday 11th November there will be a non-uniform day for the whole school to raise money for the ‘Jessie May Trust’ which is a charity which helps sick children. This has been organised by Ollie, Olly, Joel and Micah who are all in Y5. Bring in a donation of £1 to wear your own clothes.
Class Assembly
Mrs Bell’s class assembly will be next Friday - 11th November at 9.15am, the theme is Remembrance. All parents and carers are welcome.
Children in Need
Mrs Patton’s class assembly will be on Friday 18th November, the theme will be ‘spots’ and it will also be a non-uniform day. Wear spots on that day and bring in a £1 donation.
Well done to Mrs Patton and Mr Conlon’s class with 97% and Mrs Joseph’s with 96% attendance.
Sustrans Bike It Event
We now have a new Bike It Officer for St Joseph’s whose name is Ian. Ian will be working with the school and encouraging sustainable school travel. Next Thursday 10th November there will be a Bike Gear Sale from 3.00pm. Sustrans is a charity and can offer bike gear at non-profit prices, so come along and buy High Viz Vests, Gloves and Hats, Bike Lights, Locks plus lots of other goodies, so please come along.
Up-Dated E.Mail Addresses
If your email address has changed could you please let the office know. Also if your address or telephone or mobile number has changed, could you please let the office know in case of emergencies.
St Bernadette’s Secondary School
If you have applied for your child to attend St Bernadette’s Secondary School in September 2012, and might find difficulty in paying for transport, please phone Mrs Harvey on 9653914. Mrs Harvey is also a parent of a child in Year 6 who is going to St Bernadette.
Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 7th November at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their Headteachers Award –
Isabel Mathew, Cole Edwards, Laura Apperley, Jerrin Thomas, Libby Rice, Owen Webb, Ashley James, Oliver Dunne, Eoan Tuohy and Eve Boniface
These children will receive our new Superstars Sports Awards:
Ollie Louch, Eoan Tuohy, Vivian Johnson, Charlotte Petrie, Ruby Walsh and Jordan Toy
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 6th December - Choir to Cabot Circus
Tuesday 6th December - Y5/6 St Fagan’s
Thursday 8th December - Christmas Lunch
Thursday 10th November - Bike Gear Sale
Friday 11th November - Non uniform day for Jessie May Trust
Friday 11th November - Y6B Class Assembly
Friday 18th November - Y5P assembly for Children in Needs
Friday 16th December - End of term 2
Best wishes and I hope you all have a happy and safe Bonfire Night
Matt Condon
Friday, 21 October 2011
Secondary Transfer
A reminder from Bristol City Council, that the closing date for secondary applications is the 31st October.
Well done to Mrs Joseph’s Class with 99% again (as a reward they will have a non uniform day one day at the start of Term 2), Mrs Ford with 98% and Mrs Bell’s class with 97% attendance.
Overall attendance for September was a brilliant 97%! A big thank you for your continued support in raising attendance.
Up-Dated E-Mail Addresses
If your email address has changed could you please let the office know. Also if your address or telephone or mobile number has changed, could you please let the office know in case of emergencies.
Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 31st October at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their Headteachers Award -
Stan Smith, Mikenagh Quirke, Alfie Ferris, Catalina Bodnarescu, Abigayle Williams, Niamh Tuohy-Tillson and Dean Turner and Lena Smith
These children will receive our new Superstars Sports Awards:
Oliver Dunne, Kiara Savage, Mikenagh Quirke, Mia Hood, Amy Harris, Belinda Joseph, Wiktoria Surel, Sydney-Kay Haberfield, Tejal Sebastian, Stan Doling, Alfie Ferris, and Jakub Wawrowski.
Dates for Diaries
Monday 31st October - Start of term 2
Wednesday 2nd November - Reception Y1S & Y2F – Westonbirt
Tuesday 6th December - Choir to Cabot Circus
Tuesday 6th December - Y5/6 St Fagan’s
Friday 16th December - End of term 2
Have a great holiday
Matt Condon
Monday, 17 October 2011
CD Recording Cover Competition
Please find attached a competition for your children to enter. They are to design a picture to be printed onto the CD which we are recording on Monday next. Details are explained on the attached sheet. Please use the sheet as the entry has to be a particular size. All entries are to be handed into class teachers or the office before the end of term. The School Council and Mrs Marsh will be judging the winner.
Cake Sale
We will be holding an end of term cake sale next Friday, 21st October. It will take place either in the courtyard (weather permitting) or the hall at 3.30pm. Any donations of cakes will be most welcome.
Film Club
Film Club is cancelled next Tuesday, 18th October, due to Parents Evening.
Attendance last week! Well done to Mrs Joseph’s Class with 99%, Mrs Bell’s class with 98%,
And Mrs Ford’s class with 96%!
Celebration Assembly
There will be no celebration assembly this coming Monday.
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 18th October - Parents’ Evening 4.00-6.00pm
Friday 14th October - SING UP Platinum Celebration
Wednesday 19th October - Y4J Red Lodge
Friday 21st October - End of term 1
Monday 31st October - Start of term 2
Wednesday 2nd November - Reception Y1S & Y2F – Westonbirt
Friday 16th December - End of term 2
Best wishes
Matt Condon (Headteacher)
Friday, 7 October 2011
School Uniform Policy – a reminder again!!!
There is still a sizable minority of children who are not wearing the correct uniform or footwear. Letters will be going out to the parents/carers of all children who are not wearing correct school uniform next week.
We really appreciate the support of the vast majority of parents who support the school’s uniform policy.
Book Fair Week
Book Fair week begins on Monday 10th October. This is an opportunity to buy your Christmas presents early. It will take place at the top of the reception classroom, or in the school hall on Friday. Thanks in advance of your support, the commission we receive from sales goes straight back into the school in the form of books for the school library.
Platinum Award Party
As you know, St Joseph’s achieved the Platinum SingUp Award right at the end of the last academic year. We are only the second school in the city of Bristol to get this award and the only one in the area to have completed the entire journey from no award through silver, gold and now platinum.
We will be celebrating this amazing success on Friday 14 October with a series of exciting singing led activities within the school day and a great Singing Assembly at 2:30pm. Parents and friends of the school are more then welcome to join us for the assembly, when we will be presented with our certificate and plaque by the High Sheriff of the City of Bristol.
We are also asking children to dress up as a song or bring in a prop inspired by a song, to share with their class e.g. dress up as a star for Twinkle Twinkle or bring to school some pretend sausages for 10 fat Sausages!
CD Recording
We have decided to make a CD of the children’s wonderful singing. This will take place on Monday 17 October and all the children will be involved at one point of the day or another. The CD will hopefully be made in time for selling at Christmas, so that will sort out Grandma’s Christmas present for this year! We will be running a CD Cover Design competition and we will be telling the children about this very soon in an assembly. Meanwhile perhaps your children could be thinking about what is needed on a CD cover and what pictures sum up our school and its singing.
Admissions for Reception 2012
The Admissions booklet and ‘Additional Information Form’ which you will need to apply for a school place for Reception 2012 are now available from the office. The closing date for applications is January 15th 2011. It is very important that if you apply on-line, you wait for online confirmation of your application.
Updated Contacts/Medical
If your child’s contact details or any new medical conditions have changed since the end of last term, could you please let the office know as soon as possible.
Attendance _ GOOD NEWS!!!
A good week of attendance last week! Well done to Mrs Bell’s Class with 99% again!! Mrs Mantle’s class attended well with 98%, Mr Conlon’s class with 97% and Mrs Rollings’, Mrs Joseph’s and Mr Conlon’s classes with 96%. Because Mrs Bell’s class have had 2 weeks of attendance at 99%, they will have a special non-uniform day next Friday (14th October).
Celebration Assembly
There will be a Celebration Assembly on Monday 3rd October at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their Headteacher’s Award:
Izza Chaudhry, Harry Barton, Ceris Lee, Ruan Lee, Amber Walton, Mhal Oledzki, Hamze Ibrahim, Lea Scott, Maddy Khan-Slade, Lucia Mercato and Stan Smith.
These children will receive our new Superstars Sports Awards:
Lamoiya Comrie, Oliver Mooney, Ruby Dudley, Iwan Calloway, Micah Gayle, Ridah Chaudhry, Darshan Sebastian, Rebecca Davies and Johann Manosh
Dates for Diaries
Thursday 13th October - Parents’ Evening 4.00-6.30pm
Tuesday 18th October - Parents’ Evening 4.00-6.00pm
Friday 14th October - SING UP Platinum Celebration
Wednesday 19th October - Y4J visit to the Red Lodge
Friday 21st October - End of term 1
Monday 31st October - Start of term 2
Wednesday 2nd November - Reception Y1S & Y2F – visit to Westonbirt
Friday 16th December - End of term 2
Best wishes
Matt Condon, Headteacher
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Individual photographs will be taken next Tuesday.
Platinum Award Party
As you know, St Joseph’s achieved the Platinum SingUp Award right at the end of the last academic year. We are only the second school in the city of Bristol to get this award and the only one in the area to have completed the entire journey from no award through silver, gold and now platinum.
We will be celebrating this amazing success on Friday 14 October with a series of exciting singing led activities within the school day and a great Singing Assembly at 2:30pm. Parents and friends of the school are more then welcome to join us for the assembly, when we will be presented with our certificate and plaque by the High Sheriff of the City of Bristol.
We are also asking children to dress up as a song or bring in a prop inspired by a song, to share with their class e.g. dress up as a star for Twinkle Twinkle or bring to school some pretend sausages for 10 fat Sausages!
CD Recording
We have decided to make a CD of the children’s wonderful singing. This will take place on Monday 17 October and all the children will be involved at one point of the day or another. The CD will hopefully be made in time for selling at Christmas, so that will sort out Grandma’s Christmas present for this year! We will be running a CD Cover Design competition and we will be telling the children about this very soon in an assembly. Meanwhile perhaps your children could be thinking about what is needed on a CD cover and what pictures sum up our school and its singing.
Harvest Festival Shopping List
We will be having our Harvest Festival Celebration next Friday 7th October, where we are asking parents if they could choose an item from our harvest list to bring into school next Thursday - instant mashed potato, tinned lentils/chickpeas, vegetables (tinned), breakfast cereal, tomatoes (tinned), fruit juice, tea bags, fish (tinned) or rice pudding (tinned).
Your gifts make a difference in the community and will be distributed through the Crisis Centre which is run by the Trussell Trust.
School Uniform Policy – a reminder
Although most children come to school wearing the correct school uniform, there is a sizable minority of children who are not. Can I remind you that our policy is -
Earrings – these can be worn but must be small studs only.
Footwear – these should be black shoes or trainers. Logos on trainers should be minimal, avoiding bright colours.
Children should not wear jewellery to school.
Hair extensions or extreme ornamentations are not allowed.
Leggings are NOT part of school uniform.
We will be writing to the parents/carers of all children who are not wearing correct school uniform.
Dean Field Study Centre
If you have not paid your July instalment of £30, could you please do so as the next instalment of £30 is due on the 3rd October. If you are paying by cheque, please make it payable to Bristol City Council.
Reception 2012
The Admissions booklet and ‘Additional Form’ which you will need to get from the office for Reception 2012 will be available from the office on Monday 26th September. The closing date for applications is January 15th 2011. It is very important that if you apply on-line, you wait for online confirmation of your application.
Attendance last week – well done to Mrs Bell’s Class with 99%, Mrs Ford with 97%, and Mrs Rollings, Mrs Joseph and Mr Conlon with 96%.
Celebration Assembly
There will be a Celebration Assembly on Monday 3rd October at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their Headteacher’s Award:
Nathan Long, Angus Wallace, Maici Quirke, Lucia Mercato, Ceris Lee, Laura Apperley and Liam Rice.
These children will receive our new Superstars Sports Awards:
Evie Attwood, Iwan Calloway, Bethany Prasad, David Wabissa, Izzy Wodruff, David Sebastian and Godwin Sebastian.
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 4th October - Individual Photographs
Wednesday 5th October - Y6 visit to the Synagogue
Thursday 13th October - Parents’ Evening 4.00-6.30pm
Tuesday 18th October - Parents’ Evening 4.00-6.00pm
Friday 14th October - SING UP Platinum Celebration
Wednesday 19th October - Y4J Red Lodge
Friday 21st October - End of term 1
Monday 31st October - Start of term 2
Wednesday 2nd November - Reception Y1S & Y2F – Westonbirt
Friday 16th December - End of term 2
Best wishes
Matt Condon, Headteacher
Friday, 23 September 2011
Autumn Terms 2011 - Overviews of the schools curriculum are being sent home today. Hopefully they will highlight some areas where you can support your child with their learning.
Friendship Month
Dealing with Problems - The School Council have met recently and written some great guidance for other children, if they have a problem in school –
We expect every pupil to take responsibility for looking after each other and being there for everyone!
Someone on their own –
We expect everyone in the school to ask them if they are OK. Perhaps ask them to join in and play. If that does not help ask Buddies for advice.
Children who argue -
Get Buddies to help as they have been trained to help with children who do not get on with each other.
Children hurting each other –
Tell a member of staff immediately.
If you think someone is being bullied –
If you feel able to, point out to the bully what they are doing – they might not have realised they were bullying. Always tell a member of staff who will tell the Headteacher. Befriend the child who is being bullied.
The Dahlicious Dress Up Day
On Friday 30th September it will be a ‘Dress Up Day’ in aid of seriously ill children. You pay £1.00 to dress up as one of Roald Dahl’s favourite characters – Witch will you choose?
Dean Field Study Centre
If you have not paid your July instalment of £30, could you please do so as the next instalment of £30 is due on the 3rd October. If you are paying by cheque, please make it payable to Bristol City Council.
Reception 2012
The Admissions booklet and ‘Additional Form’ which you will need to get from the office for reception 2012 will be available from the office on Monday 26th September. The closing date for applications is January 15th 2011. It is very important that if you apply on-line, you wait for online confirmation of your application. Also, the New Parents’ Tours for children starting in September 2012 are Friday 30th September at 10am or Monday 3rd October at 2pm. Please contact the school office if you have a child starting school next year and you would like to have a look around.
May I remind parents that if their child is absent, they telephone the school so a message can be given to the class teacher. If we are continually contacting parents with regard to their child’s absence, I have no alternative but to mark the pupil’s absence as unauthorised which could result in the Education Welfare Officer being informed who will take further action. Also, could you please make sure your child is in school by the time the bell goes at 8.55am, as we currently have too many children arriving late for school.
Attendance last week
Well done to Mrs Mantle’s class with 97% and Mr. Conlon’s Class with 99%! All other classes had attendance less than 96%.
Out attendance last year was 94.7% which was still not good enough. Improving attendance is a key priority for us this year and our target is at least 96%!!!
Celebration Assembly
There will be a Celebration Assembly on Monday 23rd September at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their Headteacher’s Award:
Aleena Vincent, Eddy Brain, Irene Raju, Lauren Helm and Ben Underhill.
These children will receive our new Superstars Sports Awards:
Charlie Russell, Reuben Reji, Joseph Nurse, James Ayton-Lambourne and Alvin George.
Dates for Diaries
Friday 30th September - PTFA Meeting (9.30am in school library)
Friday 30th September - Dahlicious Dress Up Day
Tuesday 4th October - Individual Photographs
Wednesday 5th October - Y6 visit to the Synagogue
Thursday 13th October - Parents’ Evening 4.00-6.30pm
Tuesday 18th October - Parents’ Evening 4.00-6.00pm
Friday 14th October - SING UP Platinum Celebration
Wednesday 19th October - Y4J Red Lodge
Friday 21st October - End of term 1
Monday 31st October - Start of term 2
Wednesday 2nd November - Reception Y1S & Y2F – Westonbirt
Friday 16th December - End of term 2
Best wishes
Matt Condon
Friday, 16 September 2011
!6th September 2011
Mass for Catholic Education
This special Mass is at 7pm on Wednesday the 21st September 2011 at Clifton Cathedral. The Mass is being led by Bishop Declan and you are all invited to join us for this special celebration.
Friendship Month
This month we are focussing on exploring with the children what makes good friendship. In assembly children have been using our ‘Tree of Friendship’ to record how they have been friends in school with all children. The School Council will be working with me next week to write clear guidance for any child who has a problem, so they know how to get help.
Religious Education
Our current topic in RE is Creation. In this topic children throughout the school will be learning from the Old Testament about God as creator and how God protects and cares for His universe. Children will also be reflecting on the talents they have been given by God and how they can use them to celebrate his creation.
Topic overviews for the whole school autumn term will be sent home early next week.
The Dahlicious Dress Up Day
On Friday 30th September it will be a ‘Dress Up Day’ in aid of seriously ill children. You pay £1.00 to dress up as one of Roald Dahl’s favourite characters – Witch will you choose?
Dean Field Study Centre
If you have not paid your July instalment of £30, could you please do so by before the end of next week. The next instalment of £30 is due on the 3rd October. If you are paying by cheque, please make it payable to Bristol City Council.
British Food Fortnight
Enjoy a school dinner from the 19th September until the 30th September and you could find the special sticker to win a perfect pencil case.
2012 New Parents Tour
Dates for the new parent’s tour for children starting in September 2012 are Friday 30th September, at 10.00am, or Monday 3rd October at 2.00pm. Please contact the school office if you have a child starting school next year, and you would like to have a look around.
Security – A reminder
For security reasons, when children arrive late we are unable to allow parents to escort their children to their classrooms. Children will be quite safe walking to classrooms by themselves.All adults who enter the school building (even just to go into the front office), must be signed in and given an identification badge by a member of staff. Any adult without authorised identification will be politely challenged. We still want to be friendly and welcoming but we have to ensure unauthorised adults do not enter the school.
Pupil/Parent Concerns
If you have any concerns regarding your child/children’s welfare at school, or their learning please contact the school office to arrange an appointment with their class teacher. As Headteacher, I am always available to discuss concerns if they of a very serious nature, or if you feel your concerns have not been addressed by the class teacher. Please contact Mrs. Slade if you would like to make an appointment to see me.
Children should not wear jewellery to school. This is increasingly becoming a problem when getting ready for PE lessons. Teachers have been spending a lot of PE time removing jewellery from children, so they do not injure themselves or others.
Please note: Children with pierced ears whose parents wish them to wear earrings must, for safety reasons, wear studs rather than other types of earrings. Children who wear earrings must remove (or tape) them for all PE and sporting activities on Health and Safety grounds.
After School Clubs
Unfortunately fencing has been cancelled this term, but we hope to resume next term.ALSO, if your child attends one of our after school clubs, please could you inform the school if your child will not be attending for any reason. This is for the safety of the children and also ensures that clubs can start promptly and all children are accounted for.
May I remind parents that if their child is absent they telephone the school so a message can be given to the class teacher. If we are continually contacting parents with regard to their child’s absence, I have no alternative but to mark the pupil’s absence as unauthorised which could result in the Education Welfare Officer being informed who will take further action. Also could you please make sure your child is in school by the time the bell goes at 8.55am as we currently have too many children arriving late for school.
Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 19th September at 9.10am where the following children will receive their Headteachers award:
Mackenzie Sawers, Thomas Jaworski, Micah Gayle, Charlotte Petrie, Grace Stepaniuk, and Erin Brooks.
Please look at the school BLOG as there is lots of new photos of learning from the first couple of weeks of school.
Dates for Diaries
Wednesday 21st September - Mass for Catholic Education at Clifton Cathedral
Thursday 22nd September - Mrs Ford & Mr Sherwin’s Class visit Playspace
Friday 23rd September - Special Ethiopian Assembly
Friday 30th September - Dahlicious Dress Up Day
Tuesday 4th October - Individual Photographs
Wednesday 5th October - Y6 visit to the Synagogue
Thursday 13th October - Parents’ Evening 4.00-6.30pm
Tuesday 18th October - Parents’ Evening 4.00-6.00pm
Friday 14th October - SING UP Platinum Celebration
Friday 21st October - End of term 1
Monday 31st October - Start of term 2
Friday 16th December - End of term 2
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Thursday 8th September 2011
Welcome back to the start of the new school year, hopefully you all had a good summer break.
Welcome to new Reception children who have started this week on a part-time basis. We know that they will really enjoy growing as part of our school community.
We would like to invite you all to our start of the school year Mass tomorrow, at 9.30am in the School hall.
Mass for Catholic Education
This special Mass is at 7pm on Wednesday the 21st September 2011 at Clifton Cathedral. The Mass is being led by Bishop Declan and you are all invited to join us for this special celebration.
Friendship Month
This month we will be focussing on exploring with the children what makes good friendship. In assembly and in class we will be discussing with children how to behave as good friends but also how to deal with friendship problems. I hope this to be a really positive experience and I will be working with the newly elected school council to write some new guidance for children, so they all know what to do when they are unhappy in school. We will be sharing this information with you all over the next couple of weeks.
Past Pupil Success
A big well done to Tom Gossan who achieved 4 A's and a B at A level and is off to Bristol University to do a masters in Physics in October.
Please let us know about other St. Joseph’s ex pupil success stories – there are lots out there and we would love to publish them in the newsletter.
New Staff and New Roles
Can I please welcome the following people into our school –
Mrs Lorraine Chicken is taking on the role of part time and temporary Bursar. Lorraine is the full time Bursar at Summerhill Juniors and I am really pleased that she is joining the team. Lorraine will be in school every Wednesday and will be responsible for financial management, health and safety and safeguarding, amongst other things.
Miss Kellie Holman will be our PE Specialist for the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Kellie is a Primary PGCE graduate with a strong track record in different schools teaching PE and leading after school clubs. Kellie will also be running two after school clubs which will begin soon.
And can I welcome following people into their new roles –
Mrs Jess Lee now has a much more significant role as Financial Assistant. She will be dealing with all enquires which involve dinner, trip and after school club monies. Jess will work 8.30am – 1pm daily.
Mrs Shelagh Mizen will be beginning her role as Higher Level Teaching Assistant for 3 ½ days per week and will be teaching various classes under the guidance of the class teacher.
Mrs Shelagh Mizen also begins her role as Family Support Worker for 1 ½ days per week. In this role she will be supporting families in different ways and working with me to continue to improve attendance and punctuality.
Contact Details
If any of your details have changed could you please let the school know as soon as possible, in order for records to be up-dated.
Morrison’s Gardening Vouchers
We are collecting Morrison’s Gardening Vouchers again. If you give them to your children they can then bring them to the school office.
This is what your child should be wearing for PE: A white T-shirt, navy blue or black shorts, plimsolls/daps, a suitable bag for the above with a string loop for hanging
For security reasons, when children arrive late, we are unable to allow parents to escort their children to their classrooms. Children are perfectly capable of walking to classrooms by themselves.
All adults who enter the school building (even just to go into the front office), must be signed in and given an identification badge by a member of staff. Any adult without authorised identification will be politely challenged.
Dean Field Study Centre
If you have not paid your July instalment of £30.00, could you please do so by the end of next week. The next instalment o f £30.00 is due on the 3red October. If you are paying by cheque, please make it payable to Bristol City Council.
After School Clubs
Here is a list of starting dates we currently have for after school clubs:
Cookery - Thursday 22nd September - For Y3-4
Film Club - Tuesday 13th September - For Y3-6
Fencing - Thursday 22nd September - For Y3-6
Choir - Thursday 15th September - For Y3-6
Please see the school office if you would like details of these clubs. We will be introducing clubs soon for younger children!!
Dates for Diaries
Friday 9th September - Start of Term Mass in school hall
Wednesday 21st September - Mass for Catholic Education at Clifton Cathedral
Friday 23rd September - Special Ethiopian Assembly
Wednesday 5th October - Y6 visit Synagogue
Friday 14th October - SING UP Platinum Celebration
Friday 21st October - End of term 1
Term Dates 2011-12
Term 1 Thursday 1st September to Friday 21st October 2011
Term 2 Monday 31st October to Friday 16th December 2011
Term 3 Tuesday 3rd January to Friday 10th February 2012
Term 4 Monday 20th February to Friday 30th March 2012
Term 5 Monday 16th April to Friday 1st June 2012
Term 6 Monday 11th June to Thursday 19th July 2012
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please talk to the class teacher or a member of staff in the front office.
We hope all the children have a great year of learning!Best wishes
Matt Condon
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Wednesday 20th July, 2011
An Amazing Year!
Welcome to the last newsletter of this school year. A paper copy is being sent home to all families this week. The children have had a great year of learning and are making better progress than ever before.
Many of our key stage results this year are well above national averages in almost all areas and are improving in all subjects. We are doing especially well in reading and writing, although maths is improving too across the school!
Here are some highlights -
Foundation Stage Outcomes
The children have done brilliantly this year in reading and writing, with our children doing better than ever! The children have a great foundation for learning in Year 1. Children have made good progress in all areas of the curriculum and are happy and confident individuals.
End of Key Stage Results – Key Stage 1 (level 2b is national expectation)
An amazing 47% of children attained well above average at Level 3 in reading compared to 26% nationally.
80% of children attained L2b+ in writing, compared with 60% nationally.
80% of children attained L2b+ in Maths, compared to 72% nationally.
End of Key Stage Test Results – Key Stage 2 (Level 4 is national expectation)
94% of children attained Level 4 in English overall. This compares to 84% nationally.
An amazing 97% of children attained Level 4 in writing. This compares to 70% nationally.
This has continued to improve over the last 3 years and is now almost 95% overall.
Well done to the following children who have achieved 100% attendance this year - Evie Attwood, Jane Campos, Thomas Coombs, Rungkan Downes, Kelsey Ford, Ceris Lee, Samuel Masenyama, Ty Mitchell, Lea Scott, George Stenner, Aaron Tarr, Jerrin Thomas, Jordan Toy, Eoan Tuohy, Benjamin Underhill, David Wabissa and Vanessa Wabissa
Sing Up – Platinum Award
I am sure that you will be delighted to know that we have achieved the SingUp Platinum Award. We are only the second school in Bristol to have achieved this, and the only school in both Bristol and the wider area to have achieved the entire Awards journey from having no awards, through to achieving Silver, Gold and now Platinum! As a Platinum school we will now be working towards having an outwards focus to our singing, and will be helping other schools along their singing journey.
This is a huge achievement for our school and really emphasises the quality of the education that pupils receive at St Joseph’s. Well done to Mrs Marsh for leading us to this success and the whole school community for their enthusiasm and commitment.
A message from Maureen Tuohy (Foundation Governor)
As we come to the end of another school year I would like to say once again how proud I am to be a part of the St Joseph’s school community. I have attended lots of meetings, masses and assemblies this year, not to mention the sports day, summer fair and the fabulous year 6 leavers production of Oliver! I have also had the great privilege of visiting St Joseph’s during the school day, talking to children, looking at their work and being shown around by learning detectives. What I have found, as a result of all my contacts with St Joseph’s this year, is a lively, caring and happy community in which children are progressing in their learning.
This is reflected in the results of the questionnaire which was sent out last term. I plan to give detailed results in September but would like to share with you that the vast majority of parents (91%) who returned their questionnaire placed their responses in either the agree or strongly agree options. Comments included “A warm, welcoming school…”, “St Joseph’s is a very encouraging school.” and my personal favourite “ A good start in life to children to show that we can all live and work together even though we are different, because we respect one another’s differences.” Thank you to all of you who responded!
I look forward to working with the school again in September and can’t wait to see what the children will achieve next year! Have a great summer break!
Maureen Tuohy (Foundation Governor)
School Dinners
I am pleased to be able to inform you that the price of school meals will remain at £2.20 for the next academic year.
With the success of school dinner packed lunch, this will be continued until the end of term 1 when the menu will change.
After School Activities
After school activities will commence the week beginning 19th September. Letters will be distributed in the first week of term.
We are very sad to be saying goodbye to Eva Gossan, who has been appointed business manager at Abbeywood Community School. We wish Eva all the best in her new role.
Also Miss Wright will be leaving the school this week. She has been a great Year 1 teacher and will be missed by us all. We wish her all the best in her future career.
Thank You
I would like to thank all children, parents, staff and governors for all your hard work and support. We look forward to making 2011-2012 an even better year of learning.
Leaver’s Mass is tomorrow at 2pm in the Church. The first two days of term (September 1st and 2nd) are staff training days. School will reopen on Monday 5th September.
Have a safe and happy holiday
Matt Condon
Thursday, 14 July 2011
Thursday 14th July 2011
Year 6 leavers Lunch
The year 6 leaver’s lunch will take place on Thursday 21st July. The cost is £2.20 and the menu the children have chosen is hot dog and chips and chocolate crunch and ice cream.
Year 6 Leaver’s Mass
Year 6 Leaver’s Mass is now on Thursday 21st July at 2.00pm in the Church.
Camp Video
If you would like a camp video, could you please send £5.00 into the school office with your child’s name. Mr Conlon will then provide you with a copy. All proceeds will go to the PTFA.
Briarwood Special School
After some deliberations, the school choir WILL be going to Briarwood Special School to sing at their music festival on Wednesday 20th July. They need to be in school uniform and will need to bring a packed lunch. We will leave St Joseph’s at 12.00 and return before the school day ends.
Keyboard Reminder
Keyboard lessons will be on Tuesday 19th July and Friday 22nd July, for the children who play keyboard. Also there are more timetable alterations and children have been give a second slip with revised times. Sorry about the inconvenience. (Mrs Marsh)
PTFA Cake Sale
The PTFA are organising a cake sale on Wednesday 20th July, at 3.30pm and would greatly appreciate any donations. Please bring any cakes to the school office on Tuesday 19th July.
Parent Visits
We would like to invite all parents into their child’s class, so that children can share their learning and work. Dates for these will be Tuesday 19th July at 2.45pm for Mrs Joseph’s class and Wednesday 20th July at 9.10am for Mr Conlon’s Class.
Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 11th July, at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their headteacher’s award:
Jerrin Thomas, Josh Bristow, Shaan Singh, Airam Pamintuan, Izzy Poole, Matthew Bristow, Loredana Parrinello, Clement Harvey, Anique Sergeant, Alvin George, Muhammad Baig, Sam Iles, Samuel Toye and Anisa Rasul.
Dates for Diaries
Friday 15th July - INSET Day - school closed
Tuesday 19th July - Parents meetings (by request – see reports)
Tuesday 19th July - Year 4/5J topic presentation (parents invited)
Wednesday 20th July - Year 4C Topic presentation (parents invited)
Wednesday 20th July - PTFA cake sale
Thursday 21st July - Y6 Leaver’s Lunch
Thursday 21st July - Leaver’s Mass
Friday 22nd July - End of Year Mass
Friday 22nd July - End of the school year
Thursday 1st September - INSET Day – school closed
Friday 2nd September - INSET Day – school closed
Best wishes
Matt Condon
Sunday, 10 July 2011
Friday 8th June 2011
School Reports
Reports will be sent out to parents next week. Earlier this year the governors consulted with a group of parents on how to give parents better information about learning and progress. The reports have been redesigned and we hope give parents and carers much clearer information about their child. We would appreciate any feedback about the content and format of these new reports.
School Uniform Ordering
There appears to have been a few problems accessing the website for online ordering. Please enter the following link to be taken direct to the schools page
If you ordered by cheque to the previous company on or after the 7th June, we have been told by the administrators that the cheque will not have been cashed.
Dean Field Study Centre
The next instalment of £25 for the Dean Field trip is now due. If you are paying by cheque please make it payable to Bristol City Council.
Gardening Club
The gardening club will now be holding their plant sale and cream teas next Tuesday 12th July at 3pm in the garden area. Please come along and enjoy a relaxing cream tea and purchase some beautiful plants that the children have grown.
The Vassall Centre
The Vassall Centre, Gill Avenue Fishponds will be having an Open Day on Thursday 28th July – 10am-3pm, where everyone is welcome. There will be stalls, refreshments, displays, meet a Dalek and children’s activities. This is funded by the Greater Fishponds Neighbourhood Partnerships.
Year 6 leaver's Lunch
The year 6 leaver’s lunch will take place on Thursday 21st July. The cost is £2.20 and the menu the children have chosen is hot dog and chips and chocolate crunch and ice cream
Parent Visits
We would like to invite all parents into their child’s class, so that children can share their learning and work. Dates for these will be in dates for diaries below. Dates for Mrs Patton’s and Mrs Mantle’s classes will be shared next week.
Thanks to the many parents who visited the reception class today.
PTFA Cake Sale
The PTFA are organising a cake sale on Wednesday 20th July, at 3.30pm and would greatly appreciate any donations.
Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 11th July, at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their headteacher’s award:
Maya Buckler, Natalia Warmuz, Jennifer Eubebeagu, Daniel Edwards, Chelcia Velmurgan, Julia Dombek, Samantha Masenyama, Stephanie Williams, Jerrin Thomas, Nadia Naibet, Lewis Hodder, Rebecca Davies, Sandra Paslawska, Issy Woodruff, Micah Gayle and Vanessa Wabissa
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 12th July - Year 6 Performance
Tuesday 12th July - Gardening Club sale
Wednesday 13th July - Year 6 Performance
Thursday 14th July (2.30pm) - Parents invited into Year 6
Thursday 14th July (3pm) - Parents invited into Year 1 and 2
Friday 15th July - INSET Day - school closed
Tuesday 19th July - Parents meetings (by request – see reports)
Wednesday 20th July - Year 4C Topic presentation (parents invited)
Wednesday 20th July - PTFA cake sale
Thursday 21st July - Year 6 leaver’s lunch
Friday 22nd July - End of Year Mass
Friday 22nd July - End of the school year
Thursday 1st September - INSET Day – school closed
Friday 2nd September - INSET Day – school closed
Best wishes
Matt Condon
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Wednesday 29th June, 2011
Another early newsletter!
The school will be open as normal tomorrow (no industrial action).
Gardening Club
The gardening club will be holding a plant sale and cream teas on Tuesday 5th July at 3pm in the garden area (weather permitting). Please come along and enjoy a relaxing cream tea and purchase some beautiful plants that the children have grown.
Dean Field Study Centre Trip
The next instalment of £30 is now due for children who have been allocated a place. The current year 4 pupils will be allocated the remaining places next week.
999 Fun Day
The 999 Fun Day is Saturday 9th July 2011, 12.00pm-4pm at the playing fields next to the Harry Crook Youth Activities Centre, Moorlands Road. At the fun day there will be emergency service demonstrations, inflatable fun, a charity football match, face painting, food and drink, stalls and lots more. The event is in partnership with the Harry Crook, Police and Coombe Valley Action group. Also Harry Crook are holding a family disco in the evening from 7.30pm till late.
Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 27th June, at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their headteacher’s award:
Barti Spockinski, Joel Shelvi, Summer Allen, Joseph Lambe, Dariusz Franczak, Maria Bellavia, Julia Lewkowicz, Kameron Bains-Doyle, Amelianya Cachia, Evie Atwood, Olly Kelliher-Swash, Luke Briones, Tejal Sebastian and David Sebastian.
Dates for Diaries
Friday 1st July - INSET Day - school closed
Tuesday 5th July - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Thursday 7th July - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Thursday 7th July - Reception & Year 2 – Noah’s Ark
Friday 8th July - CLIC Sergeant Football – non-uniform
Friday 8th July - Reception Parents Day in school
Tuesday 12th July - Year 6 Performance
Wednesday 13th July - Year 6 Performance
Friday 15th July - INSET Day - school closed
Thursday 1st September - INSET Day – school closed
Friday 2nd September - INSET Day – school closed
Monday 5th September - Start of Term 1
Best wishes
Matt Condon
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Wednesday 22nd June
A special early newsletter this week.
STRIKE ACTION – The school will be open as normal
As you will be aware from the media, colleagues in NUT and ATL will be taking industrial action on the 30th June. This action will not affect St. Joseph’s.
The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul – Mass in Church
There will be a school Mass next Wednesday, 29th June, at 9.30am in church to celebrate St Peter and St Paul. You are all welcome.
Summer Community Fair
A big thank you to all those who made the summer fair a big success, and especially to the PTFA who put a lot of hard work into making the day run smoothly - even with the wet and windy weather!
Bristol Emergencies Year 6 Painting Competition
We are very proud to announce that pupils in Year 6 are winners in the ‘Bristol Emergencies Year 6 Painting Competition’. The overall winner out of over 200 entries across Bristol is Agnel Aliyath who gets a wind up radio and torch, as well as winning an education day trip for the class at Bristol Zoo! Daniel Apperley and Samantha Masenyama are both runners up and win torches. The Lord Mayor of Bristol will be presenting the winning prize in assembly tomorrow morning.
PE Kit
We have noticed that some children do not have the correct PE kit in school. Can I remind you that the PE kit consists of:- White T-shirt, navy blue or black shorts, plimsolls/daps and a suitable bag for the above with a string loop for hanging.
Sports Day Menu
On the 28th June, for sports day lunch the school kitchen will be preparing a special menu of sausage, vegetarian sausage and chips. The cost of the meal is £2.20.
999 Fun Day
The 999 Fun Day is Saturday 9th July 2011, 12.00pm-4pm at the playing fields next to the Harry Crook Youth Activities Centre, Moorlands Road. At the fun day there will be emergency service demonstrations, inflatable fun, a charity football match, face painting, food and drink, stalls and lots more. The event is in partnership with the Harry Crook, Police and Coombe Valley Action group. Also Harry Crook are holding a family disco in the evening from 7.30pm till late.
Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 27th June, at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their headteacher’s award:
Harry Mooney, Alya Rasul, Stan Smith, Shaun Snaden, Jake Turner, Iwan Calloway and Kealen Westlake
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 28th June - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Tuesday 28th June - Sports Day (morning only)
Wednesday 29th June - Mass for Saints Peter and Paul
Friday 1st July - INSET Day - school closed
Tuesday 5th July - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Thursday 7th July - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Thursday 7th July - Reception & Year 2 – Noah’s Ark
Friday 8th July - CLIC Sergeant Football – non-uniform
Tuesday 12th July - Year 6 Performance
Wednesday 13th July - Year 6 Performance
Friday 15th July - INSET Day - school closed
Can I also remind you that the school will be closed next Friday for a staff training day.
Best wishes
Matt Condon
Friday, 17 June 2011
Friday 17th June 2011
Also on Sunday you are all invited to join the Parish as a group of children receive their First Holy Communion.
Class Organisation 2011-2012
All classes will be staying together as they move into the next academic year (e.g. Y4/5 will become Y5/6).
Reception - Mrs. Rollings
Year 1 - Mr. Sherwin
Year 2 - Mrs. Ford
Year3 - Mrs. Mantle
Year4 - Mrs. Joseph
Year 5 - Mrs. Patton
Year 5/6 - Mr. Conlon
Year 6 - Mrs. Bell
Music specialist - Mrs. Marsh
We are sad to announce Miss Wright will be leaving the school in July. She has been a great Year 1 teacher and will be missed by us all. We wish her all the best in her future career.
Family Cycle Treasure Hunt
This takes place on the Bristol to Bath cycle path this Sunday 10am – 3pm. Turn up and collect your free score card from any of the 8 stalls along the path.
999 Fun Day - The 999 Fun Day is Saturday 9th July 2011, 12.00pm-4pm at the playing fields next to the Harry Crook Youth Activities Centre, Moorlands Road. At the fun day there will be emergency service demonstrations, inflatable fun, a charity football match, face painting, food and drink, stalls and lots more. The event is in partnership with the Harry Crook, Police and Coombe Valley Action group. Also Harry Crook are holding a family disco in the evening from 7.30pm till late.
Dean Field Residential Trip for Year 5/6
The deadline for returning slips and deposits has been extended to 24th June. Year 6 get priority on this trip, but after this deadline cannot be guaranteed a place. If your child has mislaid the letter, please contact the office as soon as possible.
School Uniform
School Uniform can be obtained by using the order form in the porch or by buying on line at Please ensure that you order before the summer rush to avoid delays for September.
School Payments
Please can you ensure that all monies are paid in the morning to the school office or to the school teacher as monies will no longer be accepted at the end of the school day.
Early Year Practitioner/Nursery Nurse
St Joseph’s Pre-school are seeking to employ an Early Years Practitioner/Nursery Nurse, 32 hours per week from Tuesday to Friday 8.45 am to 4.30 pm plus every other Monday afternoon, commencing September 2011. Current Rate of pay: £7.22 per hour. Level III childcare qualification required and minimum of one years experience in a Pre-school setting preferred. Closing date for applications: 8th July 2011. Please contact Mrs Cathy Williamson or Mrs Sheila Hastings on telephone No. 0117 9147173 or call in for further details.
Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 13th June, at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their headteachers award:
Fortune Jumbo, Juliana Uvero, Paige Dwyer, Maici Quirke, Rochelle Christian, Mariah Ahmed, Kealen Westlake & Jake Turner.
Dates for Diaries
Sunday 19th June - First Holy Communion in Parish Church
Sunday 19th June - DINOTOUR Family Cycle Treasure Hunt
Monday 20th June - Book Fair Week
Friday 24th June - Level 2 Bike Check
Tuesday 28th June - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Tuesday 28th June - Sports Day (morning only)
Friday 1st July - INSET Day - school closed
Tuesday 5th July - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Thursday 7th July - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Thursday 7th July - Reception & Year 2 – Noah’s Ark
Friday 8th July - CLIC Sergeant Football – non-uniform
Tuesday 12th July - Year 6 Performance
Wednesday 13th July - Year 6 Performance
Friday 15th July - INSET Day - school closed
Matt Condon
Friday, 10 June 2011
Friday 27th May, 2011

Festival of Nature
This begins a FREE fun filled weekend of events and activities that celebrate nature. You can build animal nest boxes, make paper animals, explore the wildlife garden and look out for bugs, bats and other creatures. Other highlights include free IMAX screenings at the Bristol Aquarium. Find more information online at
Bristol’s Biggest Bike Ride
Early Year Practitioner/Nursery Nurse
Pre-School Quiz Night
After School Clubs
Football Years 3-6- starting on Tuesday 14th June for 6 weeks cost £18
Cookery Years 3-4 - starting on Thursday 16th June for 5 weeks cost £5
Science Year 4 - starting on Tuesday 14th June for 5 weeks - free
Music Tuition
Dean Field Residential Trip for Year 5/6
School Dinners
Celebration Assembly
Michal Oledzki, Jeswin Mathew, Ben Underhill, Hannah Maslowski, Antonia Alexander-Walker, Cameron Savage and Sylvia Buyoya
Dates for Diaries
Thursday 16th June - Y6 Leaver’s Mass
Thursday 16th June - Y6 Bristol Cathederal
Friday 17th June - Y4/5J and Y5P - Festival of Nature
Saturday 18th June - St Joseph’s Fair
Sunday 19th June - DINOTOUR Family Cycle Treasure Hunt
Monday 20th June - Book Fair Week
Friday 24th June - Level 2 Bike Check
Tuesday 28th June - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Tuesday 28th June - Sports Day (morning only)
Friday 1st July - INSET Day - school closed
Tuesday 5th July - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Thursday 7th July - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Friday 8th July - CLIC Sergeant Football – non-uniform
Friday 15th July - INSET Day - school closed
Best wishes
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Friday, 27 May 2011
Friday 27th May, 2011
Bristol’s Biggest Bike Ride
Bristol's Biggest Bike Ride takes place on Sunday 12th June and is suitable for all ages and abilities. Come on your own or with friends or family and join thousands of other riders. The Family Fiesta route is flat, short and easy to ride and you can do as much or as little of it as you want. Bring your own bike or borrow one of our adapted bikes (advanced booking essential). There will also be a chance to have a go on our adapted bikes in the bike try out area of Millenium Square before or after the ride. To find out more details please log onto
Mrs Ford and Mrs Patton had 97%, with Mr Conlon’s class with 96%, and Miss Wright with 95% attendance. Overall attendance this year has been 94.5% which is an improvement on last year but could still be better. Thank you all for your good attendance.
School Meals
After the school holiday packed lunches will be available on the lunch time menu. The packed lunch menu will be attached to this newsletter.
Dean Field Study Centre
Letters went out this week to year 4's and 5's for the residential trip which takes place in February of next year. If you would like your child to attend, please could you ensure the completed form together with a deposit is returned to the school office by Friday 10th June.
Music Tuition
If your child is currently in Year 2-5, letters were sent 2 weeks ago to book a place for your child to learn an instrument from September. There are still places available to learn the guitar, violin and drums. Please ensure that a completed slip is returned to the school office by Friday 10th June. No payment will be required until September.
St Joseph’s Summer Fair - June 18th
Before we know it the Summer Fair will be upon us. If you wish to have a stall, or take an advert in the programme which, this year, will reach even more people, then please leave your details in the school office, or contact Andrea on 07711 574722. We would also welcome anyone who would like to help out on the day. If you can spare an hour or two to help on a stall, please leave your details in the office.
Dates for Diaries
Monday 6th June - INSET Day – school closed
Tuesday 7th June - Start of Term 6
Thursday 9th June - Class Photographs
Friday 10th June - Non-uniform for School Fair
Friday 10th June - Bike It Prize Day KS1 - KS2
Thursday 16th June - Y6 Leaver’s Mass
Thursday 16th June - Y6 Bristol Cathederal
Friday 17th June - Level 2 Bike Check
Saturday 18th June - School Fair
Monday 20th June - Book Fair Week
Tuesday 28th June - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Friday 1st July - INSET Day - school closed
Tuesday 5th July - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Thursday 7th July - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Friday 8th July - CLIC Sergeant Football – non-uniform
Friday 15th July - INSET Day - school closed
Can I remind you that term 6 begins on Tuesday 7th June.
Have a safe and peaceful holiday.
Matt Condon, Headteacher
Monday, 23 May 2011
Dear Parent/Carers,
APOLOGIES – The wrong newsletter was e.mailed on Friday, leaving out the names for the celebration assembly. We will now have the celebration assembly on Friday morning at 9.15am, where the children will receive their headteachers awards. Once again I apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.
ALSO PLEASE IGNORE THE SECTION ABOUT THE SUMMER FAIR TOMBOLA! New information about this will be sent out soon.
Education in Personal Relationships
‘In the Beginning’ our EPR programme (Education in Personal Relationships), will be started in school during the first week of Term 6.
This year we are working through the booklet purely in school, with the booklet going home on completion.
The parents advice booklet will be sent out next week, for information to what is being taught. On this occasion no homework is necessary, therefore the work pattern summary at the end of the leaflet does not apply.
If you have any questions re: this scheme of work, do not hesitate to speak to Mr Condon or Mrs Bell
Well done to Mrs Rollings and Mrs Ford’s classes with an outstanding 100% attendance last week. Their classes will be able to wear non-uniform next Friday 27th May.
Also well done to Miss Wright’s class with 97% attendance, Mrs Mantle’s class with 98% and Mrs Bell’s and Mrs Joseph’s with 99%! Well done to everyone as our attendance is on the up!
Team Points Winners - Non-Uniform
St Matthew were the winners for team points last term and will be able to wear non-uniform on Friday 27thh May.
Dinner Money
Please could you ensure that all dinner monies are sent into school in an envelope with your child’s name on it, and given to the class teacher. No loose change please. Envelopes are available from the school office - 50 for £1.50 or 100 for £2.50.
St Joseph’s Summer Fair - June 18th
This year's summer fair will be 'The St. Joseph's Community Summer Fair' and will be the Parish, School and pre-school fair all in one great event. There will still be all the activities you're used to from previous school events, but also lots of activities in the parish hall as well.
If you wish to have a stall, or take an advert in the programme which, this year, will reach even more people, then please leave your details in the school office, or contact Andrea on 07711 574722. We would also welcome anyone who would like to help out on the day. If you can spare an hour or two to help on a stall, please leave your details in the office.
Also does anyone have a large fish tank that the PTFA could borrow for the summer fair - if so could you let the office know. There will be a competition for design the front cover of the programme for the summer fair, these will go out to children next week
Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Friday 27th May, where the following children will receive their headteacher’s award:-
Liam Kelly, Gabriel Mattores, Aliyah Latif, Lara Brown, James Ayton-Lambourne, Stan Doling, Emily Wiercioch-Giles, Lachontay Barrett and Ellie Bains-Doyle.
Dates for Diaries
Monday 6th June - INSET Day – school closed
Thursday 9th June - Class Photographs
Friday 10th June - Non-uniform for School Fair
Friday 10th June - Bike It Prize Day KS1 - KS2
Thursday 16th June - Y6 Leaver’s Mass
Thursday 16th June - Y6 Bristol Cathederal
Friday 17th June - Level 2 Bike Check
Saturday 18th June - School Fair
Monday 20th June - Book Fair Week
Tuesday 28th June - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Friday 1st July - INSET Day - school closed
Tuesday 5th July - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Thursday 7th July - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Friday 8th July - CLIC Sergeant Football – non-uniform
Friday 15th July - INSET Day - school closed
Best wishes
Matt Condon
Sunday, 22 May 2011
APOLOGIES - Friday 20th May
Again, sorry for any inconvenience
Mr Condon
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Friday 13th May 2011
Dear Parent/Carers,
Walk to School Week
‘Walk Smart’ week commences from Monday 16th May to Friday 20th May. Next week we are encouraging parents to walk with their children to school and teach them to be smart, be safe and be happy when walking and crossing roads. A leaflet is being sent home today.
Well done to Mrs Patton’s class with an outstanding 100% attendance last week. The class will be able to wear non-uniform next Friday 20th May.
Also well done to Mrs Rolling’s and Ford’s class with 97%, Mrs Bell’s with 98% and Mrs Mantle and Mrs Joseph with 99%. Thank you all for great week of attendance!
Music Tuition
A letter was sent home last week with regards to music tuition for September. If you wish your child to either continue receiving music tuition or start learning an instrument, please could you ensure that you return the slip to the school office by Thursday 26th May at the latest.
Dinner Money
Please could you ensure that all dinner monies are sent into school in an envelope with your child’s name on it. No loose change please. Envelopes are available from the school office - 50 for £1.50 or 100 for £2.50.
St Joseph’s Summer Fair 2011 - June 18th
This year's summer fair will be 'The St. Joseph's Community Summer Fair' and will be the Parish, School and pre-school fair all in one great event. There will still be all the activities you're used to from previous school events, but also lots of activities in the parish hall as well.
If you wish to have a stall, or take an advert in the programme which, this year, will reach even more people, then please leave your details in the school office, or contact Andrea on 07711 574722. We would also welcome anyone who would like to help out on the day. If you can spare an hour or two to help on a stall, please leave your details in the office.
Also does anyone have a large fish tank that the PTFA could borrow for the summer fair - if so could you let the office know. There will be a competition for design the front cover of the programme for the summer fair, these will go out to children next week
Gardening Club Vegetable Plant Sale - Gardening club will be hold a vegetable plant sale on Thursday 19th May at 3.15 in the garden area/infant courtyard. Please come along.
School Uniform – to buy
School uniform is available to order by post (order forms are in the porch) or online at Please ensure that you order early to avoid any delays over the summer holidays. Uniform is available to try on if you are unsure of the size your child requires.
School Uniform Policy
Some children are wearing large studs or dangling earrings – only small studs are allowed. Also can I remind children that school uniform is black shoes or trainers, not white or trainers of other colours. We will be writing to individual parents if school uniform is not worn.
Medical Appointments
If your child has a dentist or doctor’s appointment during school hours, could you please put a request in writing in advance for the attention of the class teacher.
Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly next Monday 16th May, where the following chidren will receive their headteachers award:-
King Wilson, Chinnu James, Hannah James, Erikan Udoh, Daniel George, Ty Mitchell and Therese Briones.
Dates for Diaries
Monday 6th June - INSET Day – school closed
Friday 20th May - Bikeability Training Y3/4
Thursday 9th June - Class Photographs
Friday 10th June - Non-uniform for School Fair
Friday 10th June - Bike It Prize Day KS1 - KS2
Thursday 16th June - Y6 Leaver’s Mass
Thursday 16th June - Y6 Bristol Cathederal
Friday 17th June - Level 2 Bike Check
Saturday 18th June - School Fair
Monday 20th June - Book Fair Week
Tuesday 28th June - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Friday 1st July - INSET Day - school closed
Tuesday 5th July - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Thursday 7th July - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Friday 8th July - CLIC Sergeant Football – non-uniform
Friday 15th July - INSET Day - school closed